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Well my name is y/n Toretto but I change my last name when my parents sign me up for school because if my last name was Toretto.

Then the enemies might come after me but I actually did get kidnapped once around 2013 where this dude name ownen shaw and my mom wanted something.

But my mom lost her memory, later on she became a friend then my mom. Now my family is safe after beating some chick named cipher and getting my long distance uncle Jakob, and my half brother Brian.

Speaking of which I lost my aunt Gisele and uncle han was sad but he still show up to my events, he also has been teaching about how to get ladies.

And well I get along with all of my family I close with my dad, uncle Brian, aunt Mia, uncle tej, and family member such as Luke Hobbs and Deckard Shaw.

My close with my brother has well, I don't want him to think I don't care about him but I actually do.

But my favorite family member is roman because he is always funny and gets roasted a lot, and I mean a lot.

But moving on, I just like to think I will have a normal life because me and my brother go to the same school but hes made a friend named Evan.

Which doesn't get me jealous, I also have a friend named Jesse and well speaking of school I have a crush named Katie.

She's beautiful, adorable, cute, I can describe all day but I know I can't date her because of my family which is not a bad thing, I don't know how Katie will react to this.

We'll see you next time.

That's it for the prolong

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