Judging Criteria

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I am the only judge to keep it fair to everyone.

For the first time since I started hosting contests, each category will have specific judging criteria. Not only does this make the contest more unique, but it also gives you more choices in case you don't like the criteria in one category but like it in another.

Please note: I do not judge strictly on number scores. The number scores are there to give a universally recognized system that is easy for participants to consume. However, I also judge based on personal enjoyment. There's no number score I can put on that. Some stories that score lower I might enjoy more than the higher scores. Higher scores tend to win because they master both technical and creative writing, but that doesn't mean stories with lower scores can't get in the honorable mentions or top 3.

Lastly: I do not judge based on preferred genres. I think it's unfair to judge based on genres I personally like and dislike. I'm judging a contest, and that means I need to be open-minded toward all genres, otherwise I wouldn't sign up to judge in the first place. So if you're worried about someone disliking your story simply because of the genre, don't worry about that here. I want this contest to be as fair as possible. I absolutely will not take off points for the genre of the story unless there is a flaw with how you're writing in said genre.

Any suggestions? Leave them here!

Oneshots and Short Stories:

1) Pacing (10)

- It's common for short story writers to rush the story and blame it on it being a short/oneshot. Don't do that. Short stories are not an excuse for rushed pacing. If you blame rushed pacing on your story being short, please stop that. That's not how pacing works.

2) Plot (10)

- How engaging is it? Does it make sense?

3) Vocabulary (10)

- Any repetitive words? Your vocab doesn't have to be the best in the world, but as long as it's not repetitive, you should score highly here.

4) Writing Style (10)

- How attractive is your writing style? Does it make sense and portray the story in an interesting way?

5) Characters (10)

- Are they relatable? Do they make sense?

6) Consistency (10)

- Are there any plot holes? Any out-of-character moments? Tense issues? Consistent errors?

7) Dialogue (10)

- Is it overly formal? Does it make sense? Is it engaging?

8) Grammar and Spelling (10)

- Self-explanatory. I do not take off for minor misspells.

9) Cover, Blurb, and Title (9... 3 points each)

- How attractive are they?

Total: 89

Completed Stories:

1) Characters (15)

- Now since I can see the full development of the characters, this category is worth more.

2) Pacing (10)

- Is it too fast? Too slow? Just right?

3) Conclusion (15)

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