Chapter 10: The Prince of Shadows

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Vulduin was escorted up several flights of stairs, the trembling sentry focusing on not losing grip on his wrists while Silver leaned in to hear what his friend had to say. "None of you should have come." Silver's eyes darted to the other guard to ensure he didn't hear; to his relief, the man was too distracted not to give in to his fear.

"We came here to save you. Why did you attack them?"

"They provoked me."

"I've never seen that side of you before." Vulduin only grunted at Silver's remark, making his second escort quiver in his boots.

The three reached the control room and brought Vulduin inside an empty, closed-off area across the corridor. Their prisoner took his seat in the only chair available within; when Silver saw the chair's restraints, he was reluctant when his fellow guard began with the first set. Vulduin nodded, and Silver assisted with the remaining straps to tie his wrists down on the armrests. Once they finished, the guard made haste to leave the room, but Silver remained behind. "What are you doing? The Warden will be here soon."

"I just need a few moments alone with our prisoner."

With the uncomfortable atmosphere looming over them, the guard shivered but tucked his fear away, hands clasping behind his back. "Only the Warden can be alone with Vulduin. His orders."

"If you have an issue with it, you can tell the Warden yourself." Before the officer could object further about his safety, Silver pushed him away from the door and locked himself inside, and soon, panicked pounding knocks rumbled across the metal walls.

Ignoring the guard's alarming fist slams attempting to break in, Silver was close to sharing his new escape idea, but Vulduin's dark face brightened with a sneaky-looking sneer. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's wonderful to see you again, Genesis."

"I told you, don't call me Genesis—it's Silver."

Vulduin leaned in as much as he could and whispered, "You can't blow your cover."

The pounding stopped, and Silver's head snapped upwards as the two heard footsteps echo down the hall. "Listen, we'll have to work out a new escape plan. I think I know what to do, but it will require a huge distraction. I'll talk to Selena and Rahim after we finish here."

Vulduin's heated gaze burned into the back of Silver's neck. "You were supposed to take her and Thor to Dark Blood Hold. That was the plan."

"Plans have changed. I...." Silver's voice trailed off when the footsteps grew close; he immediately unlocked the door, anticipating the Warden's swift arrival. "I'll tell you more later."

The metal gate swung open, and a highly dressed official in battle attire stepped forth. A half-elf nearly towering Silver, the Warden donned his sleek black and gold uniform, closely resembling Silver's disguise; bereft of wearing a protective headpiece, his stark and rounded pale but flustered face beamed at the two as if he would explode within seconds. "What are you doing? I've given orders that this prisoner is off-limits."

"Sir, I apologize. I was stepping out of line, but I wanted to tell this twat what I thought of him."

The Warden was not amused; he hissed through his teeth. "Get out." Silver scrambled out of the interrogation room before exchanging a glance with Vulduin, and the Warden grimaced. "I will deal with you later."

Dismissing the scowling looks from his partner, Silver mimicked his stance, and the two took their post outside just as the Warden closed the door. "Well, well, well. Here you are again."

Vulduin grunted and turned away to avoid the curator's hazel eyes. "Your guards provoked me."

"That's not what I heard. My guards informed me you tried to use magic to escape."

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