Minnie + Tae Tae

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When Yoongi was 4, he had been told that he and Hoseok, who was 2 years old at the time, were going to have two new brothers. Yoongi doesn't remember every detail of the conversation that day, but he does remember trying and struggling to wrap his brain around the idea that there would be two of the same babies in their house.

Yoongi had seen twins once in daycare. There had been two girls dressed in the same pink outfits with the same hairstyle holding hands, and Yoongi had stared in awe before being told that he should go over and talk to them rather than staring at them. But Yoongi had been a bit spooked about seeing two of the same people in one place.

He hadn't said much else about them and tried his best to avoid them that day until the car ride home, when his curiosity spilled over. Of course, Daddy had been there to catch it and answer all of Yoongi's loosely structured questions.

Daddy, there's two girls?

Yeah, baby. Did you get to talk to them?

'M scared.

Were you scared because they're girls?


Was it because they looked the same?

Yeah daddy! Two girls!

I know, baby, they're called twins...

Daddy had explained the concept of twins in vocabulary Yoongi could understand, but even still, he couldn't shake the fear in his stomach about the new babies.


Yoongi had just turned 5 years old the day he met the twins. He remembers the panic and fear of finally having to see the new babies and the way his tears forced their way out despite how hard he tried to hold them back. He remembers the way Daddy had grabbed a hold of him as he'd tried to run away, screaming and kicking and fighting harder than ever to escape. He remembers struggling to breathe and feeling like his chest was going to explode any second.
Appa had eventually decided to put the babies up in the nursery after realizing that Yoongi was genuinely terrified of them. Daddy held him tight, rocking him and telling him that there was nothing to be afraid of.

Yoongi had felt a lot of new, big, and scary feelings, including embarrassment, for the first time that day, and it had taken a lot out of him. He remembers not being asleep but being too exhausted and embarrassed to sit up and appear awake when Appa returned back to the two of them, taking a seat next to where Daddy was holding him.

"I didn't think he would have a meltdown over the twins, Joon. Didn't you say you talked to him about it?" Appa had asked, his voice spilling over with concern, soothing Yoongi further with a hand up and down his back and a kiss to the back of his head.

"I did! Of course I did, baby. I don't know what happened there; I've never seen him so upset. I think that was a full-blown panic attack."

Yoongi didn't understand half of what they were saying, but he was lulled to sleep by the gentle, caring hands and the soft rumble of their voices surrounding him.


Eventually, Yoongi slowly warmed up to the twins.

The first time, Yoongi had gotten up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night when he noticed the light was on in the nursery on his way back to his room. With a sinking feeling in his chest, Yoongi squeezed his fists tightly and convinced himself to peak into the room as his curiosity got the best of him.

Tentatively peaking around the doorway, Yoongi could see Appa in the rocking chair with one of the babies snuggled in his arms, drinking a bottle. Appa looked happy, smiling gently at the baby as he hummed a familiar tune that soothed the pounding of Yoongi's heart where he sat, watching intently.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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