Running Man

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It was finally lunch time and I pulled up into a spot under one of the train tracks. It was a shifty area, but the pay was honest. I pushed myself out from behind the wheel and took a cig out of my pocket. I lit it up and leaned against the driver-side door. I barely had time to take a drag when a woman approached me.

"You there! Driver!" she scolded at me. I nodded in response. "Are you driving or loitering?" she questioned, though it sounded like she gave herself an answer already.

"Driving ma'am," I responded, then exasperatedly added, "Always driving." She hopped in the back of my car as I got in the front as she instructed me to drive her to Saint Micheal's Church. I had barely taken off when she already started stressing about my driving. I told her that I was a safe driver, but she didn't seem too impressed. The rest of the drive I tried to make polite conversation, but she quickly shot it all down. I parked in the park as she asked. She then lectured me on smoking, but she clearly didn't understand how stressful this job could be. I pulled off again searching for a new person in need. As I drove up and down every street until a man waved me down.

I pulled over and he got in and asked to be taken to the art gallery quickly. I pulled off fast to test the waters, and he seemed unbothered. The conversation was slightly hostile, but after having a gun pointed at my head; this was nothing.

The man paid 50 cents before thanking me and getting out. The next man I picked up was drunk off his rocker, so far an upscale from previous customers. We had relatively pleasant conversation that to an outsider would seem shady.  As I neared the guy's place I started to dread dropping him off, he was the best conversation I had all day. But when I dropped him off at a corner, he told me to take a stop by his brother's coffee shop. I took him up on the offer and drove off to the place. I walked in and the place was simple but elegant. It felt like a place I should be escorted out off, but the staff was friendly. I bought a hot coffee for 8 cents and it should have been worth so much more. I went back to my car to finish drinking it and my sips was heavenly. I leaned back and enjoyed the break.

The sound of glass shattering pierced my ears as shards fell all over me. My eyes flew open as I turned away trying to shield myself. A man flung open my door and started saying something, but the panic in me made it hard to hear. He yanked me out of the cab and threw me on the ground. I spotted a second guy right before the first started kicking me in the stomach. The second started taking a bat to my car. A swift kick to my head laid my back on the ground. I held my face in my hands as the first man said something about helping Salieri's goons and making Morello upset. But the pain I felt was at the forefront of my mind. My head and middle throbbed as I realized the situation I was in. I knew what I had to do to get out of this alive.

Before the man could finish his nonsense I jumped up and pushed him into the other guy, slamming them against my poor cab. I bolted down the street as quickly as my legs could carry me, heading straight for an alley way. But the two guys close behind. I ran down the alleys and jumped a suspicious wooden fences all while men chased shooting their guns. I heard women going about their day scream and go inside their houses and men run anywhere they could get out of the way. I had my destination planned, I just didn't know if I was gonna make it. I climbed a wood ladder up to where some cloths were hanging to dry, but I started to get tired and the guys were closing in. The fact that they were built slider than me probably helped. I vaulted down the other side and saw a massive brick wall in front of me. As I approved it I started doubting if I could make it, but knew I had to. When I pulled myself over there brick wall I saw my savior. Across the street was Salieri's place. I roughly landed on the pavement and sprinted for the door. That's when I saw familiar figures taking a smoke break.

"How ya doin' kid?" Sam greeted me as I ducked behind him. Paulie went inside quickly. "Dino. Lou. You got business with The Don?" Sam slowly questioned. He turned to face them, positioning himself in a way to face keep me mainly out of there sight, which was easy considering he was 6' 2 and I was two inches shorter. I didn't know if he thought to block them getting a clear shot of me or if he was trying to intimidate them. The boys took a step back.

Dino spoke up, "Nah, we're just trying to talk to that cabbie over there. That's all." He nervously shifted and looked everywhere but at sam, knowing he was in trouble now.

"That right?" Sam pestered, his voice dropping making it clear it was a threat as he sauntered forward. Dino confirmed and Sam continued. "Well, this here's Don's favorite driver," He turned and looked at me then back at the boys,"So, anything you have to say to him, you can say to me." I glanced at Sam, a little shocked. Then I remembered how he probably made a living. Dino taunted back, showing off their bats, saying that they weren't leaving empty-handed.

I heard a door swing open behind me and turned to face who was walking in or out. That's when Paulie stepped out holding a big pump-action rifle pointed right at them both. I took a step back as he said, "Well then maybe you ain't leaving at all." He then cocked it and the two guys glanced at the gun, me, then each other. They chose to say pleasantries and leave.

I let out a tense sigh and glanced at Sam and Paulie before saying thanks.

"Least we could do," Sam responded still watching the opposing gang members leave. Paulie then clasped me on the back and motioned me inside so I could meet The Don.

Sam followed us two to the front of the bar where I was met by Frank, an older gentleman who appeared tall, lanky, old. He had receding grey hair and then glasses. I shook his hand firmly but glanced around quickly too. The whole place looked spotless, which was a lot better than I was expecting. The booths looked comfy and the smell was familiar but I couldn't quite place it. I let go of Franks's hand as Sam spoke up.

"The Don's gonna wanna hear about this, Frank." His voice was cool, but there was an urgent undertone.

"Yeah, some of Morello's guys beat up our favorite Cabbie pretty good." Paulie draped his arm over my shoulder, beginning to chuckle as he did. Since the adrenaline was starting to fade, I could feel where I was kicked and thrown, and my legs were sore from running. Sam shifted ever so slightly closer to me as he asked permission to take me to Mr. Salieri and I was thankful because I was getting pretty tired. Then I thought about my poor cab, now some adrenaline was back and my anger was growing.

Frank peered at me with a squinted look before asking us to follow. Paulie stepped away as I turned left and got into step with Sam. We walked side by side past other members I assumed. Everyone playing pool stopped and stared at us as we passed. We stood behind Frank as he knocked on the door and announced the situation.

A playfully gruff voice responded."Come on in."

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