Meeting His Parents ( 2 )

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"Oh... I see..." She looks so innocent.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks, just to justify his past.

"No. That's fine. It's not like she is going to crawl back and steal you from me right?"

"She is happily married now." Taehyung smiles.

"Then we don't have to talk about it." You turned back and kissed his sweet lips.

"Feels like jealousy to me." He smiles.

"But you don't have feelings for her anymore, right?"

"I'm introducing you to my family now." He ruffled your hair.

"Good point. But are you 'yes or no' still in love with her?" You insisted.

"Definitely no." You can't tell if he was saying the truth or not. That's not important.

"That answer got rewarded. Claim here." You pointed your lips.

"Yeah? Hmm..." Taehyung pulled to his small bed, he nibbled your lips. His head hit the wall, "It's really small." He chuckled.

"Let's just sleep on the extra bed." You opened the extra bed and put the blanket over it, "Ugh, finally I can rest my back."

"Thank you..." He caressed your waist.

"For what?"

"Exist... I don't know what my life would be without you. You are my lifesaver." You listened to his heartbeats. It didn't lie.

Taehyung lullabies you to sleep. All of your family accepted him with open arms but his parents treated you so badly. Their words must hurt you a lot even if you acted like nothing.

When you woke up, the warmth besides you was already gone. Taehyung always wakes up too early. Shut. You got up immediately and rushed to go down.

"She can't do anything for you. Do you stay with her to push your career? I'm so disappointed in you." His mom and dad sat on the table in the kitchen. You can't help but hear all of it.

"I'm not. Why do you act like this? She is trying so hard to fit in."

"Son, she is a daughter from a rich family. You are a good man but she can replace you easily with someone from her class."

"She can. But she chose me instead." Taehyung sounds mad, "Please treat her nicer. I'm nobody compared to her but her parents treat me like their own son. Much better than you are both to their daughter."

"Good morning..." You greeted them.

His parents were surprised to see you at the door frame. You went to Taehyung's side.

"Breakfast?" He smiles widely. Kissing the top of your head. You have been in many awkward situations but it's nothing compared to this one.

You survived several days more.

His sister took you to their city and shared street food with you. You were a little bit sad since his parents didn't welcome you much. It's hard to be part of the family...

"Don't be so gloomy. They're just weird since you are a billionaire."

"I just want to be welcome..."

"My brother struggled so much in his life.

They worried about him more after the last time. Honestly they didn't even expect him to bring you so soon."

"Huft... I'm doomed."

"Just visit us often, they'll get used to it."

"I will kill myself." His sis laughed hard.

Taehyung brought you to his old school and took you to date in his favorite cafe. You saw more of his side. This man can't stop making you love him even more.

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