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December 16th, 1151 A.D. Coast of England

The first blow missed the white crests on Starbird's head by a nanometer, but his opponent made up for that with a hard bash with his shield. That one hurt. Starbird was thrown back a few meters, quickly regained his footing, then, pistons pumping, charged back unleashing a powerful counter with his blade, severing an arm from his opponent. The purple form of Depthkick stepped in, landing one of her signature, well, kicks which dented the opposing brute's chest deeply.

"I thought you said you had this," the black shadow, Darkstrike said, launching an energon arrow straight into the enemy's chest, ending his life.

"I was going for his spark, Darkstrike," Starbird retorted angrily.

Tension had been building in the Obsidian Order ever since they uncovered the Obsidian Prophecy. But until now, the tension had evaded Starbird, Sprocket, and Overload.

This prophecy stated something in a different language, but it was definitely about Blazeguard, the Cybertronian sword of fire. No one had seen its blade, for it had been stuck in metal up to the hilt for many stellarcycles.

Crossflare noticed the gathering and joined the group. "I take it that something's heating up here," the orange bot said with his signature arrogant smirk.

"Not the time for puns, Crossflare," Sunburst replied angrily, holstering his axe and joining the group.

"Hey, if it's anything to lighten the mood I'll gladly accept some puns," Overload said, green chassis appearing out of nowhere.

As they spoke, another few enemy brutes walked up. A blast of red fire sprouted from the top of Ember's arm, melting part of three of the brute's leg suspension, causing them to crumple to the ground.

As the rest started to flee, a trident ricocheted through them a few times, briefly coming to rest inside one of the brute's optics before being yanked out and used to shred through the other enemies.

"Thanks, Cascade," Ember said, adjusting her arm-mounted flamethrower. It had been uncomfortably finicky during recent events.

"My pleasure," Cascade replied, retrieving his trident, which was golden instead of matching his sea blue paint.

"And what's happening over here?" Sprocket replied, stepping up to the role as speaker. The brown med-chanic, Overload and Starbird had a somewhat telepathic relationship.

"We're having a little debate, nothing major," Overload replied. The green bot was one who always wanted to keep the order from imploding.

"Yeah, if you think heated argument and debate mean the same thing," Depthkick retorted.

"Enough, everyone. We all know what this is about," Starbird put in. "It might not be for a few Cybertronian generations."

"That's completely transparent, old friend," Darkstrike whirled. "If anything, you would want us distracted while you sneak behind our backs and pull the hilt from its place. That right should belong to me!"

"I was just presenting my thoughts," Starbird replied. "How about we take this indoors. The skies are getting angry."

When they got inside the Obsidian Fortress, titled after the name of the order of course, things went from dicey, to bad. Crossflare was the most arrogant of the order, and he was already stirring the unsteady pot of trust. Darkstrike was the most hostile, so things naturally came down to violence when he was around. Oh, and when I said "stirring the unsteady pot of trust," I meant tipped it over. It went down along the lines of this:

"Well, we all know that Darkstrike isn't going to loose that claymore," Crossflare presented. "It's too deep for the fragger's tiny arms to pull out."

Darkstrike's eyes widened with fury and he blindly struck, knocking Crossflare into Sunburst, who quickly shoved Crossflare off, and then slashed at Darkstrike with his axe.

Darkstrike backpedaled into Tempest, who was getting ready to electrocute the combatants but accidentally hit Depthkick, who was nearly downed instantly.

Sprocket tried to stop the fight, but was viciously shoved into Cascade by Darkstrike.

Overload overcame her shock and caught Sprocket before he could hit the ground.

Finally, for some bizarre reason one could call instinct, Starbird saved Darkstrike's tailpipe by launching himself between him and Cascade's speeding trident. When he recovered, triple-pronged spear stuck in his chest, Starbird inserted himself into the heat of battle once more and stepped between Ember and a speeding arrow.

Pain hit, then everything went pitch-black, and a voice rang throughout the room, with quite the menacing tone at that.

You have nearly destroyed yourselves in spite,
Now you pay the price.
When Sixteen enters this frozen circle,
He shall find you, still as ice.

Deathly sick, the warrior lies,
When Prime comes near to free the blade,
The order shall then behold pure light,
Then remember the warrior fades.

To free the sword, knight's only hope,
To survive and purge all ire.
But opponents lurk within their ranks,
To end the claymore's fire.

A/N: Honestly... it looked better on the Google Doc...

Welp. It is what it is.

But whatever it is, there's some Last Knight inspiration if ya couldn't tell. Hope you enjoy this sequel!

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