Chapter 2-Connecting Dots

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Lyra's POV


"You see that day, infact that moment- my life became a living hell" i said as I frustratedly sighed

"The moments i thought were perfect became like a dream that shattered when i saw my dying dad through my own eyes"

"Nothing i could do would help him- but still somewhere deep down i thought" my words faded

'Its my fault' my brain echoed

yes, i did think that

Because maybe if i had called an ambulance, or if i had screamed for help, or if-

"Nothing could save him" he protested, slamming his fist on the table

"Thats what you think, but thats not what the world thinks" i let out a sigh

"Anyways Lets continue"

3 years ago

As my dad breathed the last of his life away, I panicked

"No no no" i tried to wake him up, get up myself and ask for help

"Its too late Lyra" my brain told me and i bit my lip in frustration

The bite was so forceful that it made my lip bleed out, but that pain was nothing compared to the pain in my heart

"I can't believe it" i shivered from the intense emotional pain in my heart

I looked around for his friends, as their thought crossed my mind

They were supposed to stay, where did they even go?

I got up and ran outside

There wasn't a single soul outside, no guards- nothing

And then suddenly

"Ms Lyra" a guard ran through the back door, horrified

"Someone broke in and-" his words faded as his gaze dropped towards my dad

"Boss" he murmured and a tear fell from my eye

"We need to take him to the hospital, maybe-"

"HES ALREADY DE-D" i yelled at top of my lungs, which caused more guards to run inside

They all looked at me, then my dad- horrified expressions on their faces

"Who was it? Did you catch him?" I asked and everyone lowered their heads

"WHO WAS THAT FUCKING AS*HOLE" i yelled and some people flinched

"He ran away" one of them said and i barely controlled myself

"What about dad's friends? Where did they go?" I asked confused

"They left a few minutes ago, in fact as soon as they left- we saw someone breaking in" one of the guard explained


"I'm sorry, he disappeared in the darkness and it was only when i heard a yell that i ran inside" the guard from before said

"Get me the cameras, the recordings and everything else. I will catch that motherfu-ker myself" i said and everyone ran in different directions

Some ran to my dad, picking him up and leading him

While others ran to get the recordings and cleaning supplies

Everything was chaotic, but one thing was clear

Whoever it was, knew my dad personally.


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