Cryogenic Hopetown

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A/N: Changed the ending

Agent 2: Oh. Hey, Agent 3

Y/N: Hello

Agent 1: Hey !

Y/N: Hey

You exchange a nod with Captain
You had just landed in Alterna from a super jump a moment ago

Agent 2: Ready when you are

Y/N: I'll head out now

Agent 1: I'll meet you over there in a sec

Y/N: Alright

Climbing the Corporate Splatter

O.R.C.A: This mission features an invigorating simulation of outdoor activity. Head towards the goal at the summit

Y/N:( I wonder if ORCA knows about Tartar)

The empty N.I.L.S statue from the previous night lingered on your mind

The holographic menu presented three weapons to choose from: Hero Shot, Splat Dualies, and the Hydra Splatling

Y/N:( Of course I gotta go with the dualies)

You grip the twin pistols tightly in your hand, you felt at home with this gun

Agent 1: Ok, right off the bat, I'm seeing a lot of Octarians

Agent 2: Try picking them off one at a time. That'll give you a little room to breathe

Ignoring Marie's advice you charge straight in

Y/N: ( I can do anything with dualies !)

You zoom through the area, splatting one after another. By the time they noticed you, they were already dead. Dodging and squid rolling off walls, you clear the area in seconds

Agent 1: Woah, I can barely keep up with you !

Y/N: Dualies are my main

You approach the launchpad to jump to the next section

Agent 2: You look like the type of squid to main dualies

Y/N: What's that supposed to mean

Agent 2: Whatever you think it does

Y/N: ...

Once you land, you break open 2 crates: one granting a layer of armor and the other an ink storm special

Agent 1: Ah, you got an Ink Storm ! Throw that wherever you want it to rain ink

You walk up to the next group of Octarians and throw the special in the middle of them

While they are distracted with running from the ink rain you rush through, making quick work of them similar to the last group

Another launch pad becomes accessible

A second layer of armor was waiting on the other side of this pad. As you move along the narrow walkway you spot a sole Octarian at the end circling around a wall

He didn't see you coming so you took the opportunity to rush him

With the wall concealing you from view, you roll diagonally to the left then pivot and roll diagonally to the right, ending up behind the Octarian

He didn't suspect a thing

You splat him and break open the box he was guarding

Agent 1: Y/— Agent 3, look out !

Y/N: Huh ?

Immediately, a group of 10 more close in on you
You consume the canned special and pull out two missile launchers

haIKAra walker (Splatoon 3 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now