Hang out

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Before we even start this thank y'all so much for all the views but let's do this story

Few days later

Hey bebe
Wyd right now
Nothing, why
Because, maybe we can hang out together
Oh yeah sure we can can hang out today
I will be there at 1
Ok see you later
Bye pumpkin
Can you stop calling me pumpkin it's cringy
Haha I love seeing how you react when I call you pumpkin
Bye Roman
Bye love

-at 1 clock-

Time to go pick up seraph
-at seraph's house-
Hey baby
Hey bebe
Let's go
Ok bye dad
Seraph's dad:by sweetie

So where you wanna go
Oooo can we go to the mall I want to get something's
Ok love

-at the mall-

So where you wanna go first
Let's go in Ulta
I need to get some skin care and makeup

-few hours later-

Where you wanna go now
Ummm wanna go get ice cream or get some food
Uhm let's go get ice cream
-they get there ice cream-
This is really good
Yeah it is
Wanna try some of mine
-They try each other's ice cream-
You're is really good babe
Ik right but you're isn't ok it's good but not my favorite
Ok I'm sorry you didn't
Why are you apologizing
Because you didn't like it
You don't need to apologize to me about ice cream apologize to me when you do something wrong bby
-few hours later-
Bye beautiful
I will text you when I'm home ok
Ok byee
Love you
Love you more

That's it for this part drop some ideas in the comments please

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