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"They threw her to the wolves, and she became their alpha" - unknown


The emotions I was feeling were unable to be deciphered: anger, confusion, guilt. Anger because I had made it clear I would never go back. Confusion to why I was the one they chose. Guilt because worlds were ripped apart, homes lost and families shattered. The thoughts in my head scrambled. Desperately trying to come to a fixed agreement. The room had only just stopped spinning after what felt like an eternity. I sat perched on the edge of my cream corner couch in my penthouse suit in las vagas that looked over the famous vegas strip, the windows covering the entire wall from end to end, ceiling to floor, light flooding in the room, as a sun rose in the sky. I stared at my phone intently as it sat on its own on the larger than moderate black glass coffee table, as though I was waiting for something to jump out of it at me. Something to give me a sign. Why me, just why.

The phone call replayed in my head about a million times, each time shocking me more. Each time confusing me more. No matter how I tried to think of the situation. I did not know how to go about this. I can feel this pull to go home, to do what has been asked of me but I have a life here. I brought my family here as a fresh start after the death of my parents. I have worked my ass of for me and my sister the past five years to give her the life she deserves. Away from the rules, the laws, the regulations that came with pack life. I did not agree with how my pack ran things when I was there. The Alpha was not a ruthless scary man that had his enemies running for the hills in fear. He was the devil in other ways. The women in the pack expected to sit still, to clean, to cook, to have pups and then punished if that pup was not born a boy, as girls could not become warriors. I had to get me and my sister out of that situation as fast as I could. The death of our parents gave me the push to do it. But now I was being summoned home.

The phone call was from one of the werewolf elders, in werewolf terms I was basically just on the call to royalty. Normally I would be freaking out, screeching like a little girl on Christmas Day about the elders phoning me. This time I wasn't, I barely even said a word. My mouth agape through the entire call. Flashbacks flooding my mind of the life I had left behind. I could never sleep growing up in the pack. The sounds of screams of the female wolves were never ending. The shouting, the howling, the fighting never came to an end. The Alpha right in the middle of it all would stand and watch as his own pack warriors tear each other to pieces not doing a single thing to try and stop it. Then would go on full rages of anger at anyone who looked at him and even those who didn't. Threatening to kill them because there was not enough warriors in the pack to fight. Claiming his pack was weak to our faces, then telling other packs we were the strongest and to be undefeated. Threatening other packs if they messed with us their families would be demolished. A sure easy way to keep other wolves away due to the strong pull we feel to keep our families safe. The thing about my alpha was that, he had no family. He would deny it till his face was black and blue but they left him. I knew they did.

It was now that my wolf side was battling with my human side. My human side wanting nothing more than to stay where I was. To ignore the call home I was given. Whereas my wolf side was running around jumping for joy at the situation. She would be Alpha and she loved the idea. Her howls of joy in my head giving me a headache as I rubbed my temples, groaning. We're alpha, we're alpha, we're alpha was ringing in my head on repeat. It's safe to say that I'm basically at a cross roads right now. This was a moment in my life that will define my entire future. If I decide to go against everything within my Wolf inside of me and stay in vegas I'll be known as the she wolf who passed up the opportunity to be the first female alpha in the world. On the other hand, if I decide to go and be alpha I'll be going back to the place I've been running from for five years. Many of the people in the pack were not happy with me when the found out I was leaving. Telling me I was a traitor to the community. That they wished the moon goddess would send me to hell for abandoning them. Statements that sent chills down my body when they were spoken to me. My wolf taking it the hardest as I didn't even feel her presence for months after I left the pack. Heck the last twenty minuets is the most I've heard from her or felt her in the last five years.

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