Chapter 6

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A few days had passed since the argument at the dorm and Shota was avoiding all his hyungs like the plague. He would get up earlier and started to skip breakfast, one because he lost his appetite so much and two, so he wouldn't have to eat with his member. He hardly spoke to them during their schedules but would force a smile whenever they were in front of a camera.

Today was Music Bank and P1harmony and many other groups were there to perform on stage. The group tried to get Shota to speak to them while they were all getting ready, but he would just tell his stylist to help him avoid them and ignore them. SO his stylist would always move them or tell the group to go somewhere else until she was done with Shota's makeup and hair.

A little after Soul had changed and finished getting ready, he had walked over to the door whispering something to the manager who nodded and let the boy leave. The members all noticed and wondered where Soul was going. They had an hour till their stage and they weren't really allowed to walk around and Soul definitely wouldn't have gone to the bathroom being the fact there was one connected to their room.

the rest of the members got up and followed the boy. They were walking down the halls wondering where he went, when they heard a familiar laugh, one they haven't heard in so long.

"Jay-hyung, stop! Please spare my life! I cant stop laughing oh my God no more Aegyo please. You look like a possesed human!" came the familiar laughs and voice.

The members all looked around the corner, staying out of sight and spotted the members of Enhypen siting in a dead-end hallway with a familiar brunette haired boy on the lap of someone who was hugging the boy tightly while someone infront of him.. tried to do Aegyo? But thats not what made them all angry, what made them angry is when they saw the boy who was hugging Shota start to wrap his hands around his waist and start tickiling him along with the boy infront of him

'What the fuck?' Intak whispered to all of them.

'Why is he holding Shota like that?' Jongseob blurted out angrily

they all looked at their maknae, feeling for him. They knew the maknae had a crush on the Japanese boy of their group, but they also knew Seob was never going to admit he did either.

'He looks so happy, happier than when he's with us,' Jiung had whispered to Keeho

The boys heard the group chuckle at Soul who was wailing around in Jake's arms while he was being tickled by Jay and the others joining in, "Sorry Angel, but you're just too cute not to tickle."

Jake teased

"Or squish the cute cheeks!" Jungwon said while grabbing hs cheeks and squishing them

Jongseob had stiffened, 'Angel? Really? Shota was not their Angel. Shota was his angel.'

Intak clenched his fists, 'when was Soul so comfortable with other people?'

Keeho had to be held back so he didn't go kill the poor group infront of them, 'Usually I'm the one to poke his bread cheeks and Soul never likes skin-ship with anyone other than us why the hell is he on this guy's lap?'

The 5 members all felt an ugly, burning feeling in their stomach as they watched the other members of Enhypen interact with their member.

"Have you talked to your members as yet Shosho?" Jake asked the younger while playing with his hair.

Jiung felt his heart clench hearing someone else calling Soul his usual nickname for him. He always called Soul 'Shosho'

"No hyungie, I- I haven't talked to them yet. Im sorry.."

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