Subtle Acknowledgments

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I would like to focus on the mind.
If you feel uncomfortable exploring the inner workings of your mind,
please skip this section for now as you may feel inclined to return amongst further examination of the text.
I'm not sure that this is the same for all, but if you can relate to this in any way,
this may give you an idea of where you could be mentally, relative to where you are.
I'm not claiming access to incomprehensibly vast knowledge.
But, merely explaining the view which I've formed over the course of my existence.
The way that which we use our minds, defines our: actions, patterns, similarities, insecurities,
and even our physical well-being.

It is my firm belief that the mind and physical body have a symbiotic relationship, with the mind exerting a dominant influence on physical well-being.
Therefore, we should be taught to harness and control our mind's potential.
We should not completely disregard the internal wisdom that lies within the subconscious.


When stumbling throughout life, we are presented with a consistent series of decisions.
Where each and every choice defines us.
These decisions are seemingly presented at random,
some, if not most,
are so abrupt that the knowledge of us engaging with them goes unnoticed,
the choice may become habitual,
Feeling almost involuntary at this point.
Within the inner workings of your mind you will find that
possess the ability to control these decisions,
but you must understand,
You cannot control/confirm the outcome.
Through personal research of diving into the depths of your mind,
you will find that your truth lies beneath the surface,
Reflecting vibrantly on bright days, and often barely visible in times of gloom.
In this truth, you will find the answer to any question that may present.
From my understanding, I identify most by the way I am content with progression rooted in truth.
For there is nothing stronger than truth.
Stability formed from the impenetrable foundation of truth
Cannot be weakened.
Acknowledge your indulgences, your bad habits,
Or any decision you do not 100% agree with internally.
You may find a lack of fun/friends in this time of acknowledgment.
It's natural for opposition to strike,
Especially in the face of alignment.
Anything and everything might attempt
To discourage your will, you mustn't believe in the opposition's illusions.
You 100% can assert change and begin to alter the very nature of your day-to-day life to begin to release the anguish and begin to see through the illusions affecting your free will.
Based on your truth, you can and will feel the pull the options carry,
Your lack of knowledge of this ability is directly related to the suppression of senses and exploitation of the indulgent senses.
usually, the easiest choice is not the path most honorable, and most likely based on prior "knowledge"
One might assume the position to gain, and this very thought stems from greed.
(In a capitalistic world this is taught early on)
To proceed through life in accordance with the natural balance, you mustn't oppose your Truth.
I cannot speak upon your truth for I do not possess access to your mind's inner workings, that is all you.
To thwart off negative situations from becoming present in your future,
(while remembering you cannot confirm the outcome,)
Align your decisions with your truth,
Since these decisions persuade your reality into balance,
You may adjust your analysis of them accordingly.
Do you have the cognitive ability to recollect as a decision occurs?
In real-time as if it slows momentarily as you come to your conclusion on how to proceed with the decision at hand,
You may realize you've been here before, gaining memories of past instances of the exact same occurrence in space, scattered along time.
Insanity dictates the expectation of different results, provided the same occurrence.
Although maybe we aren't expecting change, maybe we are comfortable.
There is a time and place for comfortability.
This state of Consistent comfortably leads to assistance, which leads to expectations,
and when expectations aren't met, this has proven to result in anger and/or devastation.
Regress your inhibitions that lead to this cycle of loss, due to unmet expectations.
These expectations are often placed on others without realization.
I assume you've felt the pressure of others' expectations resting on your shoulders.
We cannot alter the actions of others only our own,
and ultimately with the control of our minds,
we can resist the urge for reaction when it presents.
Unset your expectations.
Self Image
How you hold the image of yourself in your mind ultimately reflects in your physical body within reality.
Contain a strong self-image rooted in truth.
Thou shall be forgiven for their past
Once Truth emerges light can rest, root, and begin to grow.
With its growth, as you tender it,
The original perfect image of you as whole and complete,
Will restore.
You will need to come to terms with "your reality"
Is this the reality you aspire for?
Or do you yearn for better?
Are your values rooted in truth?
Do the expectations you set lead to mental angst?
Only YOU will change your reality for the betterment of your future.
Don't leave it up to habitual repetition, unmanaged thoughts,
Or instinctual reactions to control your mentality.
It's been a pleasure sharing my thoughts, I encourage you to do the same!
Comment, constructively criticize, leave whatever thoughts you feel necessary!
(If you have personal inquiries, please feel free to message me personally, to leave unnecessary exposure aside)
Wishing you, your peace of mind.
~ Izzy

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