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In the heart of a prestigious university, a story unfolds, filled with unexpected twists and turns. At the center of it all is..

Rhea Blee Isfaela

A young and dedicated art professor who possesses an unyielding passion for her craft. Known for her unwavering standards and a desire to extract nothing but excellence from her students.

She holds a position of authority, further solidifying her reputation as a formidable figure on campus. However, beneath her composed exterior lies a tempest of emotions, as Rhea battles her own personal demons.

Anger issues simmer within her, ready to erupt at the slightest provocation. She harbors a disdain for those who display stubbornness, considering it an affront to her meticulously crafted world.

Freyja Elie Mercedez, a recently transferred student who unintentionally serves as the impetus for a cruel fate that befalls both instructor and student.

Even before she stepped foot on the campus grounds, Freyja has idolized Rhea with an unflinching determination. She saw the professor at the coffee shop and was captivated by the beauty of the young lady who she never knew a daughter of Kratus.

And that day she knew she wants that professor to be her wife, someday. The inspiration behind Freyja's choice to follow her aspirations at this particular university is the eminent lecturer.

From the very beginning, their personalities clash, setting the stage for a tumultuous relationship. Freyja's stubbornness becomes a source of constant frustration for Rhea, exacerbating her already simmering anger issues. Each encounter between them becomes a battle of wills, a clash of artistic ideologies.

Rhea, unyielding in her pursuit of perfection, demands nothing less than brilliance from her students, including Freyja.

However, despite the constant clashes and opposing temperaments, a spark of admiration begins to flicker deep within Rhea's heart.

She recognizes the unwavering dedication that Freyja possesses, an echo of her own commitment to her art. Slowly, this admiration blossoms into something more, blurring the lines between teacher and student, and sparking an unexpected connection between them.

In the vast depths of Rhea's being, like the deepest ocean, Freyja finds herself sinking deeper and deeper, questioning whether she will continue to be consumed or if she will eventually find herself floating at the heart of the young professor's world.

The art of love between these two young women sinks deep, enveloping them in a profound and transformative journey.

They're swimming in the depths of their palms and they are,

Sinking Deep.

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