Anna Found By Thomas Barrow

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Thomas opened the boot room door and he was shocked to see Anna in a state on the ground.
"Anna? What on earth's happened?" Thomas asked as he went to her and knelt down.
"Ah..." Anna gasped. She was shaking and bruised. Blood stained the ground and Thomas took her into his grip.
"I need to get help, but I can't leave you like this."
"To... Tom..." Anna whispered and he held her close.
"Come on," Thomas said and he picked her up.

He carried her upstairs and stood her leaning against a wall.
"Doctor Clarkson."
"Thomas?" Dr Clackson asked as he saw him.
"I need you to come now, and bring Mr Branson."
"What's happened?"
"It's Anna. Please, I can't leave her," Thomas said before he left him.

"Oh my goodness," Branson said as he joined them. Anna was shaking and beaten in Thomas's grip. Doctor Clarkson was checking her over, but she had been severely hurt. "What happened?"
"I found her like this downstairs Mr Branson. It looked as though there had been a struggle."
"Clearly there had been with bruises like that."
"Arh!" Anna yelled and Doctor Clarkson removed his hand.
"As I suspected. She's been hurt both physically and sexually."
"Oh my God."
"We must find the person who did this."
"We will, but she must not be alone. Mr Barrow, I want you to come and stay with Anna at my house tonight. She is not safe here."
"What about Mr Baits?"
"Until Anna is well enough to speak, I think we must keep this between ourselves."
"Very well."
"I will tell Mrs Hughes."
"Thank you Mr Branson," Doctor Clarkson said and Branson went to tell Mrs Hughes the arrangements for the night.
"I'm here Anna. You're alright now."
"You're going to be alright Anna. Barrow, can you lift her?"
"I can," Thomas said and he carried Anna out to the car. Between them, someone was always awake with Anna. She started to improve the next day and Thomas nursed her.

When she was able to speak, Mr Branson brought Mrs Hughes and Mr Baits round. She told them all what had happened and they cared for her. Mr Green was put in jail with testimonies from Doctor Clarkson, Thomas, Anna and Mr Branson.

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