goodbye, hogwarts

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/ twenty-one / -goodbye, hogwarts



for Victoria and her friends. She and her boyfriend, Remus―went through ups and downs but she was thankful for it.

"I'll miss this room" Victoria laughed with Marlene, Mary, Lily, and Willow. "Me too" Mary sniffled. The five are currently having a moment since it will be the last time they will see the room where Willow slept over, where they got ready for every party during the seventh year and where they exchange talks about their boyfriends.

"It's time to go" Marlene spoke up, looking at her watch. "But I don't want to" She cried which made Victoria wrapped her arm around her. "Why are we crying we will move in together anyway" Willow stated which made them sniffled a laugh.

Finally, after ten minutes-they left the girls dormitory for the last time which made them cry once again even though they will be living together with their boyfriends in Victoria's house until they find a place of their own.

"Are you ready my love?" Remus asked his girlfriend who was standing beside him with shiny eyes. "Yeah" She breathe out. After that, the two sat on the boat where they first saw eachother.

The marauders felt a wave of nostalgia once they stepped into the boat, coming back to the feeling of excitement once they saw the castle for the first time.
"I'm gonna miss this" Victoria whispered as her head snuggled onto Remus' arm. "Me too, me too" He replied, smiling at her.


"Got your things ready?" Victoria asked her friends as they all sat in the same compartment as the train slowly stopped moving. They all answered 'yes' which made Victoria nod in understandment. "Let's go now" Mary suggested but was held back by Amelia. "Let's not―let's appreciate a few minutes sitting here for the last time"

"I can't believe we're fucking graduates" Willow exclaimed―not believing that she's actually saying that. "You know-I thought none of them would actually finish Hogwarts" Victoria stated which made the four guys look at her, offended by her statement. "Hm, and why's that?" Remus hummed, crossing his arms.

"Oh don't look at me like that, you guys basically skipped a week of class just because you wanted to prank the Slytherins, again" Victoria answered, checking her fingernails."―and yet they haven't failed any class" Willow added, sighing in jealousy. "It's because we're us, sweet pea" Sirius chuckled, wrapping an arm around her cockily which made Willow scoffed at the pet name. "Don't call me that, again"

"Aw, you like it" Sirius teased, pinching her cheeks which made Willow shot a glare at him. "Time to go!" One of the last few people knocked on the glass which catched their attention. "Well we better leave before we get locked in here" James said, being the first one to stand up-followed by Lily.

Finally, they apparated to Victoria's house, which was quite huge to house her and her friends. "Welcome to my house" Victoria tugged a smile on her lips as she unlocked her house which was placed at Godric's Hollow.

Once Victoria took a step inside her house, she was immediately greeted by an elf. "Minnie!" Victoria exclaimed as she embraced the elf who was wearing a bright neon pink shirt that was given to her by Cyrus. "Is Cyrus here?" Victoria asked as the elf pulled away. "Yes Vicky, upstairs in his bedroom with a girl" Minnie answered which made Victoria smirk.

Her smirk was wiped away from her face when she turned around and saw that her friends, even her own boyfriend―haven't stepped a foot in.

"What are you wankers doing there? Come in" Victoria laughed, her hand gesturing them to come in. "Acting like you have never been in my room before Sirius" Victoria added, nudging the curly haired boy. "I was going to enter like a man that I am, but Willow here stopped me― said that it was rude to come and interrupt your moment with Minnie over here" Sirius explained, crouching down to hug the elf.

"I've always wanted her as an elf, yet I was stuck with Kreacher" Sirius added, rolling his eyes.

Soon, they all settled in their room, which was freshly cleaned by Minnie. Sirius and Willow sharing a room, Peter with Amelia, James with Lily, and Remus with Victoria.

Meanwhile the single ones-Mary and Marlene, have a room of their own. "Don't you worry, Victoria... I totally would not bring a guy over here just to hook up" Marlene said to Victoria which of course, she didn't believe. "It's not nice to lie Marlene" Amelia joked as she settled next to Peter at the dining table.

The couple of friends started to talk about their plan with life. "―so are you planning to be a doctor Vicky?" Willow asked curiously, stuffing her face with potatos that Minnie made for them.

"Yeah...I'm currently applying for colleges" Victoria answered, taking a sip of her water. "Isn't that weird? A witch applying for a muggle job" Marlene joked. "Kind of, but this is the job I've been dreaming of since I was a child" Victoria smiled.

"How are you enjoying the food?" Minnie asked as she entered the kitchen. Their heads turned to face the elf―who receieved a couple of 'great!' and 'yummy' and a question from Lily. "What's the recipe Minnie, this is wonders"

"So, speaking of Minnie" Victoria beamed up, looking at her brother who furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What?" His voice was muffled by food. "―Minnie said earlier that you were upstairs with a girl" Victoria wiggled her eyebrows which made Cyrus blush.

"It's none of your business" Her brother rolled his eyes. "Oh rubbish!" Victoria retorted, dropping her fork onto the plate. "Was she a muggle or not?" Peter asked curiosly. "Nope―I wouldn't bring a muggle in a wizarding village unless we're married" Cyrus shook his head.

"Anyway, here's my answer to all of your questions" Cyrus said that stopped all of them from bombarding him with questions. "She's halfblood, just a one night stand, and no I'm not planning on having babies with her"

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