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Terms to know (In case you're new or I stray from normal definitions)

Y/n, your name

F/c, favorite color

F/B, favorite book

H/c, hair color

H/l, hair length

F/f, favorite food

F/S, favorite sweet

S/o, sexual orientation

S/t or S/c, Skin tone or skin color

And so on and so forth.

Remember this is a rewrite of my original fic and that I'll take it partially seriously <3


Your Cute Cinnamon Roll💝 pov.

The ceiling had patches of different shades than the rest of the ceiling, I cannot live the rest of my being aware of this especially when one of the patches is right above my bed. It was hard to sleep last night. After downing a pain killer or two, my injuries weren't so much painful as they just simply ached, it was incredibly uncomfortable. Of course, at some point, I guess I was just so exhausted from such a weird day that I had just slipped into the clutches of rest.

I peeled my eyes away from the ceiling and sat up slowly. I tried being careful of my wounds, though apparently not enough to keep from wincing. I patted the side of my stomach and laid a hand on my chest. Both had stopped bleeding and the, thankfully, shallow stab wound on my chest wasn't bothersome much nor would I have to be worried about it besides getting hit bluntly in that area and keeping the bandages from slipping. My eyes wandered to my closet where my uniform hung, I had two other sets of the school uniform besides the now bloodied one. For a moment I wondered if the bandaged part of my mid chest would peak from the collar of the uniform.

Word to self, do my own laundry soon else mom will get impatient and do it herself— and as a result, find the bloodied and ripped uniform.

The side of my stomach ached, perhaps I should do a tape wrap to apply more pressure to the wound, obviously I could have a professional see me instead but, what would I say? Some dude? girl? Stabbed me after thinking I was into Taro?

This wouldn't be something either of my parents would be willing to hear me out on, I especially know my father wouldn't hold back on the school even at my request or mom's though she would try to do something herself as well. I can't even identify who it could be, imagine the stress in everyone else, what if that person wasn't even a student at the school or a student in general. No, that's all too much a hassle. Plus...

It's not like I haven't dealt with being stabbed before, at least that person didn't try to kill me with that final stab to the stomach unlike the other time— or well times.

I threw my legs to the side of my bed, resisting the sudden feel of nausea and the headache when the light peeking past the curtains directed itself into my eyes. I groaned and stood up with a dramatic whine, hopefully if I just pretend like I was sick and exhausted like a child avoiding school then maybe I can get through this, even if with just a little amusement. Laughter tends to be the best medicine after all, though it is a bit of a silly approach.

The Kaichou's Heart(Fem! Reader x Megami Saikou)Where stories live. Discover now