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Welcome to the Taehyung Showdown! This is an awards book for Taehyung fanfic only. Please read the rules, story rules, and requirements before submitting. You will not be accepted unless you follow all the rules and requirements.


If you break any rules or requirements, you will be posted on a public blacklist in all of my awards books, my message board, and in the pms of other awards hosts so they know not to accept you if you apply to them.

Failure to follow the requirements, or blatantly disrespecting them (most notably: unfollowing me at any point, even 2 years from now) will result in you getting called out publicly.

Don't try to pull a fast one, my guys. I'll find out. I have in the past, and I will now.

I'm partnered with half of the BTS awards community, and the half I'm partnered with is partnered with the other half of the BTS awards community. Everyone will know not to accept you.

I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but I have very few requirements that are easy to follow. I will give you genuine reads and a detailed review of your story. If you cannot show respect for me and the few requirements I have, then I will not show respect for you.

To put it simply: I have three requirements. Don't submit if you're not going to follow them.


Story Rules:

- You can submit up to three different books to three different categories. So do not submit the same book twice, or submit twice to the same category. For example, you have story A which you put in category A. You cannot put story A in any other category, and you cannot submit to category A again. You can submit once per category and three times overall, but all with different books.

- It must be your story. It cannot be a story you're an editor for or a story you like that's written by someone who isn't you. If you want an author to submit, tag them and ask them to submit. Otherwise, do not submit a work unless it is yours.

- Minimum chapter length is 1 full chapter. By that I mean, it can't be any a/ns, intros, prologues, etc. It has to be a core story chapter or a oneshot.

- No minimum read count, but the maximum is 50k (it's okay if it goes over 50k by the time I start judging in a few weeks)

- Mature stories are fine, I am 20+. Smut is fine. However, no books that are purely smut. I can read smut, but excess amounts of smut make me uncomfortable. So if your story has smut every chap or every other chap, don't submit it. Let me break it down like this: if your story is 75% smut or more, don't submit it.

- Books where Taehyung is the antagonist are accepted. Shipping books, love triangles, etc. are fine as long as Taehyung is one of the main characters.

- Stories inspired by things (other books, movies, TV shows, comics, etc.) are allowed.

- Any genre is allowed, just check categories so you see where you fit best.


Rules and Info:

- If you won first, second, or third place in the Taehyung category of the Eclipse Awards, you cannot apply the same book you won with to this contest. You can submit other books, but not your winning book. AKA: Winners can submit, but they cannot submit the same book they won with. Honorable mentions can resubmit the same story.

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