Zinging in the Library

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Y/n had a day off from his club.

And that meant he can read until his heart is content.

At least for today as he heads to the school's library to find some books to check out.

Right now, he was scrolling through the "Romance" aisle, looking for a good book to read as he finds one on the shelf that took his attention.

"The school finally has the latest issue..."

He read the title in his hand, "Circlet Love" as he smiles softly at the book.


He puts it back on the shelf and searches through the spines of the books to see if there was a book that looked interesting.

Though none could, he wasn't to sure if one or the other would give him a story with a happy ending as he stared blankly at the shelves.

"What do I do? I can't just waste the day away doing nothing... Everyone else in the kendo club had other things they want to do... but why didn't they invite me as well for... stuff?"

Y/n contemplated for a little longer before he turns to his side and finds a small girl. At first, he brushed it off as just a peer in his school until he spots a green armband wrapped around her arm.

"Ooh, they must be from the library committee... Maybe they can help me out..." he says to himself before approaching the short girl that was stocking the books that was on her level.


The girl turned around and-



The moment they locked eyes, a shock ran through his spine.

...What just happened?

For some reason, everything felt... mushy to him.

Just from looking at this girl who was much smaller than him, her dark sea hair and those turquoise eyes made Y/n baffled at such cuteness and beauty mixed in just this little bean holding her favorite book.

"...Yeah... I... Book... Romance..."

Suddenly, she starts flipping through the book in her hands and,

Is there something that you seek?

She points at a text.


All of this was going so quick that his head was still processing about the "zing" he experienced earlier.

The girl tilts her head softly.

"...Why did you use a book... to talk?"

Apologies for this one speaks with no sound...

"...I see..."

Y/n nods a bit while looking as if he was still struggling at this whole situation going on. The girl takes notice before blushing softly and bowing.

Apologies... Thy shall send someone else... to aid you...

She goes to run but, "Oh, no, no..." Y/n calls to her before grabbing her arm.

When he does so, he'd realize how bold he was with the girl glancing back at him with precious little eyes.

Assuming he was being too rough, he lets go and apologized to her.

"I'm sorry... It's just... I've never seen someone using a book to communicate... I'm just looking for a book about romance... Good endings is preferred... Do you have any recommendations?"


In a flash, her cute innocent face starts to brighten up with a smile. The girl instantly ran away from Y/n and scurried through the aisles for any books that she sees fit.

Although she was slow, he admired the dedication that she put in for a stranger she just met as the books on a nearby table starts to pile up.

It kept going and going until the girl bent over on the table, breathing heavily with the thirty-fourth book being placed along the pile of recommendations.

"...Wow... Book worm, are we?" Y/n chuckled as the girl struggled to "speak" through her tiredness.

She loves... to read...

"I can see that..." he smiles before glancing at the book in her hands.

His eyes grew wide.

"Circlet... Love... You read that?"

Her eyes darts up at the boy before frantically flipping through the pages in her book and answered.

I love it... Best I've ever laid my eyes on...

"Well... At least I'm not the only one who loves 'Circlet Love'..."

It made the girl excited suddenly.

Not a lot of people in their school would openly express that they love "Love Circlet". Let alone any romantical and or fantasy books.


"Of course... I'm still waiting on the next volume coming out next month... It's too suspenseful for me to wait..."

Same here...

Slowly but surely, their small talk becomes a full blown conversation as these two unusual individuals would spark a small friendship between them.

Especially when the girl who Y/n thought was shy was a nerdy bookworm that loves books more than the next person.

And after all the talking, Y/n eventually got a couple of books that the girl recommended and went to leave to read.

Where can one... be able to... see you?

Y/n turns back to the girl who stood in front of him.

"You wanna know where to find me?"

She nods as Y/n smiles once more.

"I'm usually in the kendo club... If you want something, don't hesitate to come to me..."


"If I'm not there, name's Y/n..."

This one is...

She turns the inside of the front cover and showed it to Y/n.

"...Shizuka Yoshimoto?"

She nods again.

"Well, Shizuka... I hope to see you again soon..."

Let our paths cross again...

The boy chuckled softly.

"Yes... Let our paths cross again, Shizuka..." he said before leaving the girl to her library. She peeked out the door before watching him turn the corner and-


She felt her heart flutter softly.

Caressing her chest, she could feel her heart thumping as she continue to think about Y/n, the boy that she enjoyed talking to earlier.

She blushed softly as she held onto her book tightly.

...Come back soon, Y/n...

Shizuka Yoshimoto x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now