chapter 1: jack

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Hey, I'm Jack and lets just get started with this...I HAVE SUPERPOWERS! Now I know this sounds crazy, but you've gotta believe me! It all started last week.

I was hanging out with my friends, as usual, at the park next to the school. We were all trying to show off cool parkour tricks we could do. So far... Adam ,my best friend, was beating all of us by a long shot.

Basically, we were all just chilling having a good time. Then the storm came. *Crack!* *Kaboom!*

It looked like it was going to be
bad. So me, being the oh so smart person I am, stayed at the park while everyone left. so I could sharpen my parkour skills.

First of all...BAD IDEA. Or...maybe it was good? Either way, this was no normal storm.

It was so bad, the town alarm went off calling for tornado warnings. That's when I figured, I should probably go home. So that's what I decided to do.

All of a sudden, a large green bolt of lighting shot down onto, you guessed it, ME!

A flash of green light was all around me. I was scared to death, even paralyzed! All I could feel was a VERY powerful tingling all over my body. Then, all was dark.

Next thing I know, I wake up in my room like nothing happened. Went in the kitchen and nobody said anything out of the ordinary Although, something did happen.

I went in my room to get some clothes on, and it happened. I reached for my belt and *ZAP!* green electricity shocked the hell out of my belt. Everything but the metal part of it caught fire... green fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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