Book 1: Air, Chapter 1: The Boy in the Iceberg

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(Originally posted January 11, 2022 on AO3)

Prince Zuko, heir to the throne of the Fire Nation, stood on one of the many platforms beneath the upside-down towers of the abandoned Western Air Temple, gazing into the chasm below. He couldn't see the bottom, and didn't know how far up they were, but the mist that obscured his vision indicated that the chasm was very deep.

The mist wasn't the only thing obscuring his vision. Zuko winced as he gently pressed his fingers over the bandage wrapped around his left eye. He felt hot tears sting in his good right eye as the traumatic memories flooded his mind. Flashes of his mother, turning away from him, hood obscuring her face. Flashes of his sister Azula, chanting "Dad's going to kill you," with a malicious grin. Flashes of his father, slowly approaching as Zuko bowed on his hands and knees before him, begging for forgiveness.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by his uncle, who had approached behind him.

"What a stunning view," Iroh said.

Zuko did not turn around, remaining facing towards the cavern. "The only view I'm interested in seeing is the Avatar in chains," he replied coldly.

Iroh sighed. "You know, the Avatar hasn't been seen for one hundred years. The chances of finding him here are very slim."

Zuko's brow furrowed in determination. "First we'll check each of the Air Temples, then we'll scour the world, searching even the most remote locations until we find him."

Iroh stepped beside Zuko and put a hand gently on his shoulder. Zuko tried to hide his flinch. "Prince Zuko, it's only been a week since your banishment. You should take some time to rest and heal," Iroh replied.

Zuko felt the anger bubble up quickly inside him as he turned to his uncle and spat without thinking, "What else would I expect to hear from the laziest man in the Fire Nation?"

He heard Iroh sigh again at this, and felt a twinge of guilt, but forced the feeling out of his mind. He turned back to face towards the cavern, fists clenched at his sides. "The only way to regain my honor is to find the Avatar, so I will."


Zuko found himself being jolted awake as the Fire Navy ship that had been his home for the past three months lurched forward with a loud crash. Irritated and sleep-deprived by recurring nightmares revolving around his father, sister, and mother, he quickly got dressed to go interrogate the captain as to why they had stopped. It was early morning, and they should have been due to keep moving for at least two more hours until they reached the next island outpost on their way to the Southern Air Temple.

Zuko had attempted to do everything in his power to "scour the world" and "search the most remote locations," but he was growing impatient - and worried. The longer he took, the more jeopardized his honor would become. If I take too long, I may never be able to go home... Zuko thought.

He tried to ignore the tiny voice in his head that echoed Iroh's words: The Avatar hasn't been seen for one hundred years. And somehow, nobody had found him yet. Not his great grandfather, not his grandfather, not his father - though, by the time Azulon had grown old, the Avatar was no longer a threat on anyone's minds. Zuko of course took on the task when assigned - not that he had any choice in the matter. He would do the impossible to regain his honor and return home.

As Zuko finally entered the captain's control console at the top of the ship, he noticed the captain, Lieutenant Jee, and his uncle engaged in a hushed discussion. "What is the meaning of this stop?" He ordered, glaring at the captain. "We haven't arrived at the outpost yet. And what was that bang I heard earlier?"

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