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➡️ Rhea and Alia to sends goons to go to prachis house and steal the 10lakhs .She arrives at MKs house and they accuse her of theft using the fake video given .Prachi tries to explain that she didn't steal but none believes her even Ranbir who claimed to love her .And she leaves from there in tears and goes to her house .

➡️Here Abhi and Pragya had been married just for 2 years with her giving birth to Kiara and Rhea .where she is accused of Dadis death and takes one child and leaves the house and looks at the other child emotionally .
.➡️Disha and Purab immediately leaves after Pragya with their son (sunny) who is a week old and goes to Arora house.

➡️Aroras and Khanas leaves Mumbai for good and settles in Australia where they start their small business which later grows .While there Pragya meet her highschool lover whom they separated and lost contact because his family had shifted from Mumbai and they married after couple of months

➡️Also here Bulbul didn't die but Alia tried to instigate her but she was strong and survived it after going through a surgery to recover her face and here Purab didn't know about her because she wanted him to move on ..she also recovers and finds love once again .

➡️After Pragya leaves Abhi remarried again to Tanu due to Alia and Rhea and they shifted to Delhi .

➡️So back to story After Accusations and Pragya learns about it She fumes and leaves MK mansion and leaves proving her Daughter innocent and also learns that Rhea was her daughter.

➡️Reaching Saritas house she ask her daughter to pack their bags because they are leaving from here .Aaryan and Shahana know each since childhood .Then Pragya tells Sarita about her identity and ask her if she want to come with them to which she agrees and that night they live Delhi promising to come back for revenge .

➡️Next day Ranbir comes to ask for forgiveness from Prachi and learns that they left leaving no trace and also the other MKs learn about them from Prachis resignation letter .Rhea after knowing Pragya was a biological mother was emotional but also remembers what gee buji had told her about her and ask her to leave she doesn't need her .


I think that's all for now will be giving characters tomorrow 😁😁😁..

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