Part 4: Escaped

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As Aosuke stood at the cliff smiling in teary eyes, Takeo walks forward to him saying 'is everything okay!', Yes' replied Aosuke, 'I can see Hisashi, there (pointing down the path). Immediately in excitement Takeo turns to the others saying 'Hisashi is alright.' Upon hearing that everyone rush towards the cliff to look down and there they saw Hisashi slowly walking up all the way from the hilly path that leads to stream. Everyone in joyous mood calls her out, being relieve and thankful on seeing her alive they hug one another in comfort as they shed tears of joy...

Takeo: i'll go down and help her up, Aosuke: its alright i'll go, you can stay back and rest. Sayuri: why don't you guys go down together quick and help her up. Aosuke: fine, lets get going (to Takeo). As they walk the unending little path that covers the valley and a way to the cold stream, the remaining others at the helipad ground awaits them while they talk about how Hisashi miraculously survive from the fall. Kairi: how did she even survive from the fall, Kaito: quess she fall into the stream on safer side. Kairi: i hope she isn't infected.(everyone stares at him) Kaito: ya, ha.. Kairi, how can you say so. Kairi: huh.. did i say something wrong. Kaito: if she were biten she won't walk all the way up there. Kairi: I know that, i mean nothing, ah why you all giving a death stare ah, i was just worried, i know you all are thinking the same, hoping for best i was just being concern. Okai: yea he's right, that's out of concern. kairi smiles) and said : Thanks for siding with me. Okai: i wasn't. Kairi: you just did (smirk). Sayuri: (looking at them and teases) mmhh, you guys i smell butterflies, Aiiken: isn't that obvious, i have been noticing for long. Okai: ya, ahh guys stop teasing, this is the first time we ever converse. Sayuri: I know, but isn't it obvious your eyes had always been on search for him. Okai: ya, sayuri (kairi looks at her and smiles) both of them looks away shyly.

Down the path-

Takeo and Aosuke carefully steps down and calls out Hisashi, she was drenched all over, her glasses were gone. She had her soaked sweaters on her shoulder and some stratches on her cheeks. Aosuke: my goodness, Hisashi...are you alright, should i pull you up'' and goes down the step closer, Hisashi gives her heavy soaked sweaters to him saying 'you can see for yourself if i'm alright or not.' Aosuke: you are not, so becareful and watch out your steps (worried he steps up. Takeo gives out his hand to Hisashi. Takeo: hold my hand, let me pull you up'. Hisashi too exhausted out of energy to reply she look up with her bare eyes gazing in his eyes while she stretch out her hand and hold his hand, the nervous and tension between them kept them quiet as they walk all the way up holding hand in hand.

Reaching the Helipad everyone stood worried, as everyone ask Hisashi 'are you alright' she just nodds. Takeo and Hisashi were still holding hands, Okai goes closer and she smirks, her eyes signing as she looks from Takeo to Hisashi. Hisashi realising they were still holding hands she release her hands from Takeo saying 'thankyou', ''its alright' replies Takeo as he tremble and stretches his fingers breathing in deep. Okai and Kairi catches that sight and smile as Kairi slightly hits on Takeo shoulder.

It was already evening after all that commotions, they let Hisashi rest in the copter cockpit while the rest of the girls sat behind and all the four guys standing and sitting outside leaning.
To go down the hill they were all too tired, and to help carry the injured ones it will be another trouble. Yuixi had deep stratch wound wraping with her thin sweater, she couldn't walk while the others were also injured badly. Kaito: What should we do now, the other survivors must be still on way. Kairi: Everyone's injured, we need to wait for the rescue. Takeo: aren't you guys hungry. Aosuke: We left our bags and leftovers in the dorm, who'll go and fetch all the stuffs. Charlie: how about we better go back in dorm slowly and rest there. Sayuri: i really want to lie down and rest now that its all over.

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