Clone Corp

8 0 0

Type: Company

CEO/owner: Phoenix Lawson

Approximate Facilities: 567-863

Approximate Workers: 1,853,391

Uniform: Black Mask with white engravings on it with White LED lights in them


Goal: To clone Phoenix-GOD SUCCESSFULLYCreations:DINOEATER000-  The original clone, he has more secrets than people thinkDINOEATER767- A robotic clone, He was made with the Micro-bugsDINOEATEROMEGA-  A clone that is the fusion of phoenix and some ...

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Goal: To clone Phoenix-GOD SUCCESSFULLY

DINOEATER000- The original clone, he has more secrets than people think
DINOEATER767- A robotic clone, He was made with the Micro-bugs
DINOEATEROMEGA- A clone that is the fusion of phoenix and some random guy named davidDINOEATER111- A inky black creature that wears a mask
DINOEATER-000- A black demon that stole phoenix's old outfit 
DINOEATER999- An Angel of death that was injected with phoenix's DNA
DINOEATER666- The Cartoon clone of phoenix, he is the creator of the DE_666 virusAbomination- A pink blobby creature with parts of the other clones inside it
DINOEATER545- a heavily weaponed robot model
DINOEATER6843- a lanky weird clone

microbugs- 767's pets, they're big beetle like robots that can form into a giant beetle

DE_666 virus
Several other clones and things 


It was a company originally founded to make the original cloning process of animals, until phoenix was spotted in the past and it slowly got intrigued by the boy and started trying to clone phoenix many tests later 000 was made, they thought it was a disgrace and melted him down, 767 was next he was made out of junk metal they cleaned him and made him a worker bot until the facility got exploded by, 666 who went rouge and start destroying everything, several others were made but thats mainly it, eventually its CEO was killed and Lawson took over he created ABOMINATION

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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