08 - Play Along

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TW; creepy men, implied past SA experiences, physical fight, blood

Noah somehow convinced me to drive us to a bar down the street from the warehouse where we were brainstorming with Bryan.

"So, remind me why you couldn't have just driven here yourself?" I asked, looking over at him in the passenger seat of my rental car.

"I don't have a car." He replies flatly.

"You're a world famous rockstar, and you don't have a car?"

I hadn't notice just how tattooed his hands are until I catch them moving up and down his thighs. The small action reminds me of ways I soothe my anxiety, especially in stressful work meetings.

"Not 'world famous', nobody even knew who we were til last month." He's quick to correct me and his grumpy tone makes it transparent that he's still annoyed about getting kicked out by Bryan.

"Right." I reply shortly.

I pull up to the small seedy bar Noah directed me to. It's nestled within a larger strip of restaurants and shops. The random tiny city we're in is not nearly as busy as LA and the buildings are all rustic and brick.

I'm not even parked a whole minute before Noah has already slammed his door behind him and headed towards the front door. At this point I should just expect to have to babysit every single grown man in this fucking band.

When I walk into the establishment, I'm smacked in the face by thick cigarette smoke and my face twists in disgust. It's packed for 2pm on a Tuesday and almost every single patron is accompanied by a lit cigarette. I spot Noah at the bar already, just receiving his first full beer.

"A cosmopolitan please." The words can't come out fast enough, I need alcohol more than air itself right now. The bartender nods and starts curating my order.

Noah scoffs, "A cosmopolitan really? Could you get any more pretentious?"

"Oh my god." I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Could you just shut up for literally like 5 minutes?" Right on cue the bartender places down a stemless martini glass with transparent red liquid. "At least it's better that some basic ass beer." I take a long sip of my ice-cold drink and alleviation begins the moment the alcohol meets my tongue.

He finishes the last of his beer and lands it hard on the wooden tabletop. "Fine. Whiskey and Coke please."

"What is your deal huh, why are we here? What exactly are we doing?" I ask the obvious, finishing my own drink already and gesturing to the bartender for another.

He lifts his new glass, "You're looking at it, Thornhill."

My brows immediately scrunch together, "How do you know my last name?"

"You think you're the only one who does their homework?" He asks ironically. "You do work with us after all."

Both of our new drinks are halfway gone already with replacements on the way. Getting plastered midday on a Tuesday with my most infuriating client in some hole in the wall California bar was not on my bingo card for the week. But these boys keep surprising me, it's almost refreshing. Almost.

Noah is quick to get started on the fresh drink in front of him, maybe too fast. The glass hadn't even hit the table before it was half gone.

The numbing already growing in my fingers reminds me that all I had for breakfast was a green juice. Noah's eyes travel over the bar and land on something across the room then back on me. His eyes are mischievous and playful, "You know how to play pool?" His lips spread into a competitive smirk.

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