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Hannah's Pov :

Bidding good bye to my Papa and Mr.Sung I walked out of the huge room with a lot of thoughts running in my mind.

" Did I just see Sung Hanbin ? Or is it his dopple ganger ?"  I thought as walked through the hallway.

I was lost in my thoughts , while I bumped into someone my purse and mobile dropped on the floor from my hand. I quickly bent down to pick them up and I can sense the other person bent down too.

" Sorry , I didn't mean to-" I shuttered mid sentence after My eyes met the person.

It is him. It's Sung Hanbin.

" Oh! This mobile...it has my photocard ?" He spoke as he took my phone in his hands.

" Oh don't mind me , sorry again !" I grabbed my mobile from his hands and ran outside without looking back.

It is him , it is really my perfect center aaghhhh !!!
I screamed internally.

Hanbin's pov :

"That's weird " I mumbled as I saw her back fading into the distance.

" Grandpa , You asked for me?" I spoke as I entered the huge room.

" I wanted to inform you , your marriage will be in 3 days and about the bride , she is Mr.Park's daughter and she is really pretty I am sure you'll like her." Old man rapped.

" You know what .....all right , thanks for telling me though !" I said and walked out in annoyance.

It's really happening afterall.

I honestly thought it would be useless to argue with grandpa anymore, he'll do everything he want in the end.

I just hope , all these things doesn't come in my way.

Time lapse 2 weeks

" Grand Pa ! Are you being seriously serious right now? " I shouted on top of my lungs.

" What do you mean Am I serious ? Won't couples stay together ? What do you mean you can't take your wife with you Sung Han bin" He said in a stoic tone.

" I mean...I don't mind staying here Grand pa " She mumbled out with a low voice.

" What are you both trying to say exactly? I don't get it " Grand Pa stood up angrily.

" Why are you making things difficult for me Grand Pa , Can't she stay over here while I stay in my company dorms ? I can't take her along with me to stay in the dorms with my members can I? " I spat out together.

" He's right Grand Pa , besides it's not safe for me to stay there along with him if the paparazzi finds out it'll be a very big problem for him." She tagged along.

" I don't take all these reasons , I've already talked with your comapany ceo and he is quite okay with this matter and they agreed to give your wife a room too." Grand Pa stated.

" What??? Did you just really had a talk with my boss about my marriage ,oh my god Grand Pa seriously you're making everything a hassle for me " I yelled in frustation while holding my head.

" Umm...well it's nothing cause I agreed to be the Major sponsers for your company. " He said it

" So , you're telling me that I should stay with her no matter what " I spoke in a low tone.

" What do you mean "her"? She is your Wife Sung Han bin , get your mind straight and you are going to stay together no matter what and now leave. You are going to seoul this evening " Grand Pa said while puffing his cigar.

Later in our room.

I hesitated to talk with her about this at first but eventually I should ask her too so I mustered up all my words together and blurted out.

" Are you okay ? " I asked her while she is busily rummaging through her suitcase.

" I am , What about you? " She asked back.

Honestly, I don't know if I am okay or not , I don't have any problem with Hannah but still there is this feeling that keeps messing with my mind why must I  have this unwanted relationship?

" I guess , I am " I answered half hearted.

" Umm...Don't worry I'll try my best " she   said looking straight into my eyes.

" Thanks " I avoided her eyes.

We reached our dorms quite quick than I expected , I am standing in front of dorm where all my members live and where I brought my wife to live . our manager welcomed us with a weak smile.

" Hello , this is Cha Gong Dae Zb1 manager " He spoke as he bowed infront of Hannah.

" Hello , I am Hannah Park " she returned the bow politely.

All of the members came out and stood in front of us as they are in some military training.

" You guys are doing Great job , Hope I won't make anyone uncomfortable Sorry " Hannah bowed and gave a smile.

" Waah, Bro she is really pretty " Gyuvin blurted out while looking at her.

" Watch your mouth Kim Gyuvin , she is Han bin hyung's wife " Ricky mocked him.

" But seriously Han bin hyung , She is really pretty " Gunwook said as he gave me a envious look.

" Gunwookie , are you sure you don't want to be quiet ?" Hao hyung let out a nervous laugh.

" Okay but , If Hannah noona is taking Han bin hyung's room where is he going to sleep?" Yujin raised the most meaningful concern ever.

" of course they'll sleep together " Mathew said with a cheerful tone.

" Oh , No don't mind me I'll be moving out after 2 days " Hannah let out nervously.

" What do you mean moving out ? Where ?" I asked her looking at her curiosly.

" Umm...I have a friend here I'll be living with her " She answered avoiding my eyes.

" Are you sure ? " I asked her again.

" I am! I know how important this is for you and I don't want to disturb you " She spoke in a low tone.

" Rest in my room , We'll talk later " I said noticing her heavy eyelids.

All of us are in our respective rooms , I decided to sleep with jiwoong hyung for today.

I closed my eyes avoiding all the heavy thoughts.

This is really addictive aaghhhhh !!!

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