Gisela .

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Y/n Pov .

My head was ringing from the headache I had from arguing with Gisela. She was being racist and disrespectful to a culture. Not only did she wear 'knotless braids' she had the audacity to have a blaccent and even have edges.

We were supposed to fight 3 days ago but she chickened out for no reason. So today she called me up to schedule another useless fight. I wasn't gonna waste my time on her but if this is what she wants so be it.

It was so sad how some of the black community was supporting her just because she was 'pretty'. It doesn't matter if she's pretty or not she shouldn't be wearing braids let alone something that'll make her hair fall out. At this point I didn't understand my people anymore. Yeah it was less then half of my community but why are you supporting someone like her?.

Anyways I'm getting ready for the fight when my bestfriend, Ashanti, walks in my room. "Y/n you have to see this video the shade room posted". I walked over to her and looked over her shoulder down at her phone. It was a video of Gisela.

"Y/n need to come outside with her scary ass! She only mad cause I look better then her in her own culture. I bet she won't pop out right now!" She said through the phone. I snickered to myself then shook my head. What was she on??

"She wasn't saying that a few days ago but that's alright she'll get everything that's coming to her." I spoke while looking through my closet for something to wear to this so called fight.

Usually I'd push stuff like this to the side but she just constantly kept poking at it, like she wanted something to go down. Exiting my thoughts I found a black hoodie and some navy blue sweat pants. I would wear some Crocs but I decided to wear some busted up Jordans so they grip the ground more. Wouldn't want to trip or some shit.

I knew she was known for pulling hair. Since that's what every female I've seen fight is good at when fighting if that makes sense. Deciding to put my braids in a low bun so Gisela doesn't pull that shit. I grabbed my phone, keys, and shit I don't know gum I guess I need to chew on something.

~time skip cause I said so.~

Ashanti was driving to the deli cause I be hungry as hell. When we got there I got out and walked in going straight to the drinks. I got a mango Arizona and some Takis cause it slaps for no reason. I'm not supposed to be eating Takis 'cause of my braces but they ain't break yet so yeah.

It was 3 more hours til the fight so I thought to just keep my self entertained. I might be too old, but I got on Roblox and hopped on 'Da hood' that shit Lowkey trash them exploiters be having me tight because why you got to hack to win.

As soon as I was about to get revenge on the hacker my brother, Michael, called me I physically rolled my eyes and scoffed. 'why you call me at this time specifically?' I swiped to the answer button. "Hello?" I spoke irritated. "Girl lose that stink attitude for' I jump through this screen" he spat back.

"Not too much hoe, what you want?" "Oh I just wanted to say hey!". Then I hung up. You called me for that? I thought. Then I saw a notification saying I got tagged in a post.

Clicking on it, I saw another screen-recorded video of Gisela talking shit. Like it's giving 'i bet my name taste like sardines.' I honestly couldn't care less I just wanted to get this fight over with. Sitting up on my bed, I put my black socks on and slid my Jordans back on cause the fight was in 27 minutes.

"Ashanti get dressed!" I practically yelled because she always got xxx on the highest volume. I be trying to talk to her 'bout it but she be getting protective. I'll let her talk when she ready though.

"I'm about to hop into the shower!" She scolded like she was mad again. I just got on my phone because I'm not in the mood all of a sudden.

~10 minutes later~

I swear this girl take forever cause why she need to take a shower when she took one 4 hours ago?. Sometimes I thank her cause it pass time because she drive fast as hell to our destinations. Surprised she ain't got no tickets.

She finally get out and we in the car on the way to this park people barely be at I don't know why they don't just build a new store or something. Anyways I'm waiting for Gisela while leaning on Ashanti. "Wassup Bitch!" I heard a fake ass accent I turned my head to see Gisela walking while tying her NORMAL hair back into a high ponytail. Atleast she ain't got them braids no more then bitches was slipping the second she got them.

I threw my phone into Ashanti Lap and got up. I was walking towards her when she started running so I squared up. She threw the first punch which is always a good mood I can say it was self defense if we get into any 'trouble'.

I punched her on the side of her face but not too hard, you know?. She tried to reach for my hair so I leaned back. I knew it was a good idea to put it in a low ponytail. My intrusive thoughts almost too over and I was so close to stomping her head in.

I was throwing some punches while she just kept reaching for my hair. I'm not gonna lie she got a few punches in but I took them. We was fighting when out the corner of my eye her friend tried to jump in. Ashanti stopped recording and stopped the girl quickly.

I couldn't help but punch her one good time in the lip. I would go for a nose but I wouldn't wanna be the reason for possibly someone's death. She stumbled back. I let her catch her breath while I squared up. "You ready?" I asked wanted it to be fair instead of just running up and kicking her ass.

She nodded surprisingly and got back to actually fighting. Soon enough I got her on the ground after 15 minutes. Hopefully I knocked some damn sense into her. "Girl I hope this was worth it" was the only thing I said before me and Ashanti walked off.

~7 days later~

"Y/n!" My brother yelled in a singing voice. "What!?" I spat out. "Please don't lack posted your fight you had with Gisela" he spoke normally.

Exiting out of My Snapchat, I clicked onto the Instagram logo and typed in the search, 'pleasedontlack000'. First thing I saw was 'new post•' by their profile.

Clicking on it the video played. All 22 minutes of the fight. I mentally facepalmed myself because how did they get that video that quickly?. It didn't matter though hopefully this was all over and Gisela learned her lesson.

This shit was mad ass I just had to get this off my chest. I find it sad how some black people are letting Gisela disrespect our culture. And before anyone says 'how is hair a culture' it was made for black people hair type and our ancestors made it with their hands. Plus she has her own culture. Idk if any of that made sense I am young and still learning about my culture myself even if it is 'basic' anyways I'll probably take ts down in a week🧔🏾‍♀️.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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