The Unknown Tribute

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Disclaimer - I don't own any of the hunger games trilogy and none of there characters that I use in this story

P.S this book includes some same sex relationships so if you are not comfortable with it I strongly advise you to leave now and forever hold your peace.

Anyway hope you enjoy!


Prologue - The Trials

Sweat dripping down my face, I sprint through the rain trying to reach the finish line. I see no one infront of me but I can hear the boys panting behind me.

I can see the finish line dripping wet in the distance and hope I can keep my pace. It was only a few weeks ago we started these so called 'trials'.

They decided exactly 1 week after it was announced. I can picture president Snow walking onto stage and a boy in pure white following after him. He started to explain how this years games will be 'different'.

He explained that every 25 year there will be a glorified version of the,very deadly, Hunger Games. I remember the picture of his wrinkly old hand reaching into the glistening wooden box and pulling out a card with the number '25' on it.

With his voice as clear as crystal he reads the card. 

'To show the districts that it is, and only their, fault for rebelling, each district will have a vote on who will be representing their district in this years Quarter Quell'.

I remember the look on my mothers face, one that had seen many horrendous sights during the rebellion, I remember it frozen to the screen with a single tear sliding down her face.

This news could be good or bad, it depended. Dylan or I could be chosen or we could not.

A splash of water in my face wakes me up from my daydreaming. 'Come on Lassas, pay attention! A tribute could've come and injured or even killed you just then while you were daydreaming' .

I nod and continue running oblivious to my coaches taunting. These tests are designed to find the best female and male tribute that we will choose for this years games.

I run as hard as I can as the finish line gets closer and closer.

Splashing through the slippery mud I cross the finish line completing my last test. I've done well in my other tests but only in a couple I have come first and you know what that means, I have a better chance of being chosen!

Dylan, my identical twin brother, comes second behind me and I hear him swear. We have always been extremely competitive so he gets very annoyed when he comes second to me.

'Haha in your face Diana,' I teased 'beaten again by the almighty storm'. I flex my muscles in a show of arrogance.

'Hardy har har Kyle, you only won because you tripped me at the starting line, which is cheating by the way' Dylan replies ruining my mood.

He was always one to follow the rules compared to me, the troublemaker. But in career districts, and especially in training, it wasn't as much following the rules as bending them to make sure you win.

I had technically tripped him before the race so it wasnt cheating.

'Well done sharkie' I hear behind me as someone slaps my back, hard. I turn to the sound of the voice and am relived to see Coral.

She and I had been best friends since we started training when we were 6. She was excellent at the sword and axe while I'm better at knives and the bow and arrow.

We had met one knife class when she stormed out of the class because she had gotten just next to the target. I decided to go after her to see if she could give me her knives but she interpreted it differently.

She thought I had gone to see if she was alright and one thing led to another and I was teaching her how to throw her knife properly. She succeeded at hitting the target and we have been best friends ever since.

"Not so bad yourself Fish stick," I respond with an even harder slap on her back, "I heard you came first in weaponry, swimming and poisonous berries".

"Maybe we'll be chosen and then we can be an unstoppable force destroying everyone in the arena!" She replied.

"Well done Lassus, got a real good chance of being chosen with winning the speed, survival skills practical, poisonous berries and swimming," I hear a gruff voice behind me and turn to see that is it my least favourite coach, Ms Opain "but not as good as your brother, Dylan over there. Getting first in weaponry, endurance and survival skills theory".

Ahhh, there she goes again. I think Dylan was her most prized students, what with her acting like he was a little trophy that she earned in a competition.

"Thank you Ms Opain," Dylan said finally joining our little conversation as other boys were crossing the finish line, "I'm just trying to do as well as you when you were in the games".

Ms Opain along with some of our other trainers were previous victors who had won one of the 25 games beforehand. District 4 wasn't a very good district at the games but we are a career district which means we had atleast won a couple unlike other districts like 5 and 7 who hadn't won any.

So after my brother had complemented Ms Opain a couple more times I decided I had had enough and politely excused myself so I could get out before he said anything else nice to that she-man.

I headed towards the pier to go for a swim, swimming usually cleared my head and after what had been happening lately I needed time to think stuff over.

I was halfway there when I heard someone running behind me. I turn to see who it is and come face to face with a sweating coral.

'Think you could just leave me with she-man and teachers pet over there did ya' she said as we started walking towards the pier together.

'Hey you were standing right there when I excused myself before I threw up from all those complements he was giving she-man, so you could've easily have followed me' I reply.

We arrived at the pier and sat at the edge watching the sunset.

'Imagine if we do really get picked,' she said as she stared at the horizon 'I mean we both did extremely well at the tests so I think we are both in with a fighting chance'.

'Yeah imagine that,' I put on a voice trying to mimic Caesar Flickerman 'introducing District 4's tributes Kyle Lassus and Coral Blue. And the crowd goes wild' I try to mimic the cheers and cries of a crowd.

'Well now all we have to do is wait and see now that all the trials are finished' she replied as the sun sunk beneath the horizon.


Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of 'the Unknown Tribute'. I might just see how this chapter goes and if I get lots of good feedback I might continue the story. So if you liked where this story is heading...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2014 ⏰

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