Chapter 01

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"Ages ago, when the sun and moon were still young - just like you - they would never see one another," my mom said while putting me in.

I snuggled my nose in the blanket and looked up at her with big, curious eyes. My mom always told me bedtime stories, but this one was different. This was by far my favourite and whenever I would have to go to bed, I would ask my mom to tell me this one. It got to the point where my mom started to get bored of it, so now there was a rule; she would tell me the story twice a week and I could choose when.

"The sun would rise with the morning and keep everyone warm and save. Everyone loved the sun, but they totally forgot about the moon, they even got kind of mad at the moon." My mom sat down on the side of my bed and looked at me with one of her warm smiles. "Do you know why they were angry?"

That was a stupid question. Of course I knew. I had heard this story a million times. "Because the sun kept them warm and save, but at night all the bad things happened, because it was dark," I answered anyway.

"Yes," my mom said while nodding in agreement. "So the moon stayed away for a long time. She was insecure and sad about the fact that everyone chose the sun over her."

I pouted at my mom. I wanted her to hurry and start with the good part of the story, as this part was making me slightly sad.

"The sun didn't like the way the people talked about the moon and he was very disappointed, so he told the humans that they were unthankful. 'The moon tries really hard to keep you save at night. While it's dark on the street, she tries to be your little light to guide you home and still, you're mean to her. If you don't apologise to her, I may as well stay away too.' Of course the people didn't want the sun to stay away."

I smiled. The sun stuck up for the moon, even though he hadn't even see her.

"When the moon heard about what the sun did for her, she finally came back and decided to meet up with the sun."

I cut my mother off so I could continue the story myself. "And that's what we call an eclipse now."

My mom chuckled. "That's true. It doesn't happen a lot, but once in a really long while the sun and the moon meet up again and it's the only thing they need to keep their love burning. Even though it's just a few minutes of seeing eachother once in a few years."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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