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The night life made their subtle sounds as Xena and Naomi stood alone amung the trees out of earshot of the others. Naomi kept hold of her spear as she learned against a tree waiting for Xena to respond. Xena crossed her arms as she tried to decide what she should say.

You asked what I have to say for myself. What exactly do you exspect me to say?

Fair question.  How 'bout we start with how you ended up here.

Is anything I say actually gonna matter?

If I can validate it. And if not I'd like to think that I'm fairly good at being able to tell if I'm being lied to.

And you're willing to hear me out after the accusations Mia made.

I like to think that I'm a fair woman. I'd rather not cast judgment on someone before I have as much information I can get on the situation. Whatever it may be.

And if you don't believe me or like what I say you'll kill me.

That's what I said. I think giving the accusations against you that seems fair, don't you?

I can't argue with that.

Good. Now tell me Xena how is it that you ended up becoming queen of my people?

Xena sighed as looked away and out into the dark woods that surrounded them. Without going in lengthy detail, she told Naomi about how her and Gabrielle's relationship and about their daughter Aurora being kidnapped in a quest for revenge on the two of them. Xena told Naomi about the extensive injuries that Gabrielle had suffered while trying to get their child back. That her condition had taken a turn for the worse. And after learning that she was going to die, Gabrielle had willingly given Xena her right of caste as queen even though Xena had protested the decision.

And that's pretty much how I ended up here.

I see. Given the fact that you share a child I assume you and our former queen are involved.

Yes. She's everything that's right in my life.

Naomi was silent for a moment as she mulled over what Xena told her before speaking.

And I'm assuming that others can verify your story.

Yes. Willow and Iris are both aware of what happened. As well as everyone else back in the village.

I see.

Xena could see that Naomi was deep in thought.

If you don't mind I have a few other questions I'd like to ask before I decide what to do with you.

Ask away.

What Mia said is true isn't it?

Xena looked away sadly.

Yes. I've done unspeakable things. Not only to the Amazon's, but to so many others. I know that nothing I do could ever erase all of the pain and suffering I've caused. But I'll spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to make up for it. Though I know I never will.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series  -SCROLL VI: AN ABOMINABLE ASCENSION Where stories live. Discover now