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After the honeymoon

Every thing back to normal
Sea is preparing for the universety graduation exam
While jimy is working in the hospital and filming his part on our skyy 2

Everything was going smoothly
But sea feeling not that
He doesn't have the taste for eating and he lost so much weight
Jimmy was able to notice that but when ever he asked him sea really that he's fine
After jimmy finished his parts in bad buddy of our sky2 and sea graduation they both start filming vice versa in sky2 as peun and talay with a kid gigsaw sea always notice how his partner looking at the kid with lovely and shining eyes than he puts his hand on his belly wondering how happy will Jim be if he was pregnant
Than as the random of those days he rush to the toilet and throw up everything that he eats it's so weird really he have been so noshes those last days
Jimmy pated his back
Jimmy :"what's going on are you alright
Did you eat something expired or else"
Sea:"no I only drank some orange juice and melon juice and get away from me you stinks"
Jimmy was choked as he start smelling himself
"I don't smell that bad , l'm normal and what's with melon juice you don't like it as I know you" he said looking at him confusedly
"mind changed, I'm going to order KFC, you go back home I have to visit mom , he will kill me if I won't and you know him better than me by the way take the other car cuz I will drive this one" sea kissed his lips lightly and waved to him


"here's my little boy" Mix hugged his child tightly
"mom, I can't breath" he coughs mocking his mom than he kissed his forehead
And went to his dad
"daddyyy, how are you, I missed you s..."
He didn't complete the sentence and he ran towards the toilet and start vomiting
The worried parents just quickly followed his
And earth tried to patt his back
" dad get away from me you smell so bad and make me feel noshes "
He pushed earth and run to his mom making his place between his arm
"unlike you and jimmy, mom smells so good you guys better change your bath product"
Mix seems to relise something but he wanted to be sure first, it's just an idea
"honey please take a shower here maybe you really stinks, and after come to our room we need a talk I guess if my thoughts was right"
Earth had no choice but accepting
And go to bring a towel for his to take a bath
Mix and sea exited the toilet and went to living room
"honey do you want me to brink you anything you look pale"
-"yes mom please can I have melon juice please I'm kinda craving it"
-"melon juice, you hated it before, you know something , was need a talk , let me just prepared for you , your brother joong will be coming back soon you can open the TV if you want"
_"Mom I'm not a guest to talk to me like that let's just forget that bet I was to young when I make it "
Mix laughed and go to his kitchen

Flash back :

" my love why are you laughing at our son "
Earth said confused
" you don't , know what he just told me
He told me that when grow back and got married , he want to treated as a VIP guest like we treat the guest when they visit us"
Earth tried to hold his laugh too
And faced his angry son
" why my little one want to be treated like guest" he asked his son
"because the guest can do anything he want and he can have food whenever he come, also mom only prepare many dishes when there is someone coming to us so when I get married I will come with my husband and be guests here and eats whatever we want whenever we want " litte sea putted his lips
" okay I have a solution we promise you when you get married we will treat you as VVVIP guest here, deal, now give that pretty smile "

" Dealll daddy thank you " he smiled and hug them both

End flash back

Suddenly his phone rang with Instagram message notice

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