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To Ella's adored parents she was a princess and the very light of their life, indeed, she may not have had a castle, a title, or even a crown but she ruled her very own kingdom such as the family's beautiful grand manor which was located at the flourishing forest edge far from the main palace walls. Ella never missed a day to greet and feed her loyal subjects as she would walk through the gardens and toss out cheese and different sorts of food for her animal friends every morning, and she would wish them all the sweetest of dreams every night. Like always greedy Gus Gus took more than he could bite during breakfast but even so, his friends still managed to get their daily portions nonetheless. How Ella and her mother believed that the animals could understand them, Lady Tremaine was led to think that this is how the world learned to look after the creatures of the land, so she told her daughter. "Who looks after us?" Ella curiously asked, and her mother responded saying that Fairy Godmothers do. As everyone had a carer watching them from afar no matter what. "And do you believe in them?" Ella asked her mother. "I believe in everything." She responded. "Then I believe in everything too!" Ella responded happily.

Some days Ella and the rest of her family would play a variety of board games such as Snakes and Ladders and chess, but throughout ludo and draughts would always remain some of the family's personal favourite games. When the family went outdoors for the event of a picnic or for a walk in the park on a beautiful summer day, Richard and Lady Tremaine would sit on the grass and Ella would play with many of her toys such as hoops, marbles or even skip ropes. And like most friendly children she would befriend some of the other little ones around at the park and they would either play tag, blind man's buff, or play catch with balls and even hopscotch occasionally. Some days while Richard had left for work, Ella and her mother would play hide and seek around the manor. And when it was one of those days where they were both feeling particularly mischievous, they would hide away when they saw Richards's buggy arrive in front of the house so that they could take him by surprise as soon as he entered the house doors, they would wait patiently to get the timing just right. There was one day in particular that Richard could not ever forget as his family had really startled him to his end, one afternoon he had returned home and called out to his wife and daughter but still he had received no answer as no one had responded to him, the house was completely in audible. He initially tried to check his bedroom first before the other room for perhaps they were resting there this afternoon. He made his way up the stairs and took the left to enter his shared bedroom, as soon as he walked around Lady Tremaine had snuck up from behind coming from the side of the large wooden wardrobe and called out to their daughter saying they had to tickle him senseless. And so, they did and Richard could not stop laughing with tears falling down his face, as soon as they stopped, he neared his wife with a smile and whispered in her right ear "We must both tickle Ella next, I'll pick her up and you should perhaps get her arms." And so, in one swift motion, they caught their daughter unaware and soon the room was filled with laughter from all around...

One beautiful morning in autumn as Ella's father arrived from his work on the buggy, he came bearing a beautiful gift such as a little box from which had been tied with a little canary yellow ribbon. Ella screamed out of joy and ran to her father's arms while her mother stood by the house door smiling at him. He handed her the trifle and she unravelled the ribbon, inside was a purple flower folded beautifully into a butterfly sort of shape, "In French, that is un papillon," Richard said to Ella, "Un papillon" Ella repeated". "Papillon! Voulez-vous danser avec moi mademoiselle?" Richard said to her, "S'il te plaît." Ella responded, "Merci beaucoup." He replied while lifting her, as soon as stood up she neared him so that they could dance, and she purposefully stood on his shoes "You're standing on my feet," he said while laughing cheeringly while they twirled around aside from the fountain moving towards the door. She waved the butterfly in the air as if it could fly and flap its wings. "Look Mother we're dancing!" Ella shouted out loud to her mother as she still stood by the front door expressing her happiness. Just when Richard and Ella concluded their dance she hurried back to her mother, but as Ella's head was turned to him, he signalled to his wife that they were to pick her up by surprise and go to the garden to play hide and seek, as they knew that this was one of her favourite games. In one quick motion, he picked Ella up and she started laughing as it was a humorous instance. He neared his wife picked up her left hand and kissed it lightly while greeting her, and so they continued to enjoy this beautiful afternoon on the warm summer day.

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