26 - If I ruled the world

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Blindfolded the entire ride to Sergei's hangar, I'm on edge, hoping that Dimitri and Nox find me soon. I'm certain I can play the innocent, unknowing dimwit girl for a while, but if they get to torturing, I'll blab like a little whiny bitch.

I realize that Sergei isn't a dumbass and has figured out Dimitri has been following him and has tracked me using my phone. It's the only way he could have possibly reached Antonia's before me and while she mouthed sorry to me when I entered the apartment, I know it wasn't because she gave me away to these freaks.

Now I have to give my best stage performance, enamored by Dimitri like a lovesick puppy. Céline, give me strength and while you're at it, send my coordinates to my growly Russian.

Pavel hauls me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and they yanked the scrap of fabric that covers my eyes from my head in a hard motion, pulling out some of my hair with it. A cry leaves my lips and earns me a swift elbow to my ribs.

"Stop whining," Pavel growls irritatedly while shoving me forward.

Is 'fuck off' an emotion? Because I feel that shit in my soul, as the brute manhandles me.

"I can keep my mouth shut, but you can read the subtitles on my face," I bite back through my gritted teeth, as we march through the metal door and he motions towards a chair to sit down.

"Smart mouth," Sergei sneers when he enters behind Pavel and shuts the door with a metallic clang. His icy stare cuts right through me and I realize my unfiltered pie hole is going to be a problem if I keep this up.

Sergei flicks on the light above me, blinding me with the harsh brightness and casting the rest of the warehouse into shadows. With my hands tied behind my back, I'm sitting on the edge of the chair, balancing on my heels and uncomfortable in the tube dress I'm wearing.

"Where is Dimitri?" Sergei asks once again, in a bored tone. "I gave him a possible lead, and he is not there, nor following you around like a dog in heat."

I bite my tongue and refrain from giving him an answer. They're not getting anything from me. Nox has probably already let Dimitri know that I'm missing and both are on their way to rescue me from these egomaniacal idiots.

Not realizing that I have a knowing smirk on my face, I don't see Pavel's hand fly to my face as he slaps me across my cheek, below my eye.

The sting hurts as stars explode behind my eyes, and I almost tumble from the wonky chair. "Fucktard!" I screech in pain, feeling the flesh swell up and the bruise form.

"Again," Sergei drawls, weaving his fingers together like the Cheshire Cat, "Where is my dear cousin?"

"How should I know?" I answer, the anger now crashing through my body, waiting to be set free. "Do I look like a fucking crystal ball to you?"

Sergei saunters over to crouch down at eye-level. "I think you do know. I've heard that you walked in as arm candy on Sunday's brunch."

I close my eyes and hum for a moment, angling my head back for effect. "Results unclear. Ask again later, dickhead!" I answer in a robotic whisper, opening my gaze and locking it with his.

"Maybe I should just end you," he muses, stroking his hand over his chin. "I know you're his witness, but I think you're also something more." His slimy fingers trail up my exposed leg, over my calf, towards my knee and a chill creeps up my spine, filling my stomach with dread. "I thought to offer you up as an exchange to drop his manhunt. But, on the other hand, I can just kill you and dispose of your body. Case closed."

He grins, a wicked laugh bubbling on his lips.

I had a feeling that with Dimitri's temper lately; he has hit a wall gathering evidence and I think at this moment, I'm still the only card he has in his hands to play. I've got to be smart about how to approach Sergei and buy some time until my grumpy Russian in a shiny car comes to save me.

"While Dimitri doesn't tell me anything," I begin, tipping my head. "Do you really think he would let me out of his sight if I were the only piece of the puzzle he has on you?"

I see something resembling fear flash in his eyes and he stands up, averting his gaze from me and dusting off his slacks. He turns around and just in that moment I hear the sound of crunching gravel and slipping tires.

Both look startled, and it dawns on Sergei's face that he's not the only one with a plan. Dimitri found out about this place a while back and probably smelt a fish on that 'lead' from miles away. Checkmate douche canoe.

They bust the door open after the sound of a gunshot blows the bolt to smithereens. I'm overcome with joy as I see Dimitri stomping in, followed by Nox and... Babushka?

Dimitri grabs Pavel and Nox takes off after Sergei, who runs into the hangar like the cowardly bastard he is.

Babushka screams profanities in Russian, because I can't understand a word she is saying while she waves her cane around, hitting Pavel's leg.

"Did he touch you?" Dimitri shouts over the noise, gripping my chin to survey my injury with a glance of worry simmering in his eyes. He takes in my disheveled state.

"He tied me up and gave me a punch to the eye, but I'm okay." I give him a soft smile that hurts all over my face. I know I'll have a black eye tomorrow.

"Fucker," Dimitri turns around and aims for Pavel, pulling the trigger and filling the room with a scream of agony from pinky guy. "Now you lost a nut. Should've kept your filthy paws off my woman," he states, as Pavel slumps to the ground, holding his junk.

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