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,, I'm curious , Landon, slow down." Alaric says as children run playing tag.

,, Were you aware of us when you lived in Mystic Falls" he continued

,,I hope not" said Caroline

,, Uh I knew Hope and Allison went to some fancy boarding school. Peaople in town said it was for troubled rich kids. I see the rich part is true" Landon says

He follows Hope before looking over seeing a witch levitating some books.

,,Nobody in town mentioned anyone here could do that" 

,,obviously when they don't know about supernatural" said Davina

,,No one in Mystic Falls knows much about us. We blend in just enough. Participate, contribute just enough. Keeps people from asking too many questions." Alaric says as he walks behind his desk.

,,What is there to know , exactly?" Landon asks as he looks from Rick to Hope and Allison

,,Well, I used to have a speach prepared, carefully unpeeling layers of mystical history, but it turns out most people have read Harry Potter and are actually cool with me skipping the tee-up"

,, Did you seriously just bring Harry Potter into this?" Caroline asks offended

,,You're school for magic?"

,, How can be somebody this stupid?" Rebekah asks as Klaus snorts

,, We are school for supernatural which covers a lot of territory" Alaric explains

,,Anyways everyone here has something  that makes them special ina any ways that the outside world wouldn't understand"

,,So what are you" Landon aska looking at Allison and Hope

,, I should go to class" says Hope

,,No. No sorry , I don't to be a dick, but i don't know you, and tough the imagine of you wammying a priest is still fresh, I need you here. Just tell me what all that was in the church last night" Landon says

,,What do you think it was?" Allison asks

,,Well as best as i can reason, either I lost mym mind or werewolves are real" Once Landon says that Hop, Allison and Alaric share a look making Landon look at them in disbelief

,,Huh he actually caught on" Damon says looking surprised

,,Th-This is beyond insane. How is that even possible?" He continues

,,It's a long story, involving an anctient, vengeful which and a bloodline curse" Allison says

,,We cover all that in Origins of the species grade six" Alaric continues

,,In sixth grade at my school we learned the states capitals" Landon says making Hope laugh

,,We teach that too" She says as she continues laughting

,,I don't like it, stop laughting at him" Klaus says looking murderous.

,, So you teach suernatural and normal things?" Freya aska ,, That's very smart"

,,I have some questions about Raphael" Ric says

,,Like what?"

,,Well let's start off on who he killed recently?" He says as Landon looks at him like he is crazy

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