My New Mate

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Comet awoke at dawn. He looked down at his new mate and couldn't help but smile. Eclipse was everything a dragon could ask for and Comet was glad they had become mates.

He yawned and slowly stood to his feet, not wanting to disturb his sleeping mate.

He stretched and slowly patted out of the sleep cave. As the bright light of the sun reached his eyes, he recoiled back and shielded his face with his wings.

"Morning Comet" Winger greeted the male Night Fury upon seeing him trot over to join them.

Comet smiled back at him and waved his tail in greeting.

"So... Comet, who's your new friend?" Summer asked him, blinking and tilting her head to the side.

Comet blushed and scuffled his claws in the dirt, not looking the Fastfin in the eyes.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Cutter asked, speaking up for the first time that morning.

Aggro, being the hot-tempered Fire Fury she was, hissed and whacked him upside the head with one of her wings.

"Cutter! Don't be rude" She growled, twitching her tail angrily from left to right.

Comet chuckled and gave the two fire dragons a curious glance before turning to face the others.

"Well, to be honest... Cutter is half right" Comet said while giving the Razorwing a sideways glance. "She's my mate, not my girlfriend" He lowered his gaze and stared down at his claws.

Silence fell on the group after Comet had finished speaking.

"For Nóttu's sake why is everyone so quiet?" Dak suddenly shouted, making everyone nearly jump out of their skin.

"Congratulations, Comet. I'm so happy for you" Leyla smiled brightly up at the male Night Fury and scratched under his chin.

"What's her name?" Summer asked him curiously.

Comet smiled brightly at the water dragon as he spoke. "Her name's Eclipse" He said with a wistful sigh.

"Can we meet her?" Winger asked, walking up and nudging one of Comet's wings with his own.

Summer smacked him in the head with her tail. "She's probably still asleep Wing" She scolded him gently.

Comet chuckled lightly and stood to his paws. "No no! He's right - I should go get her up. It's almost noon" He observed while looking up at the position of the sun.

Comet trotted into the sleep cave where his mate slumbered. Softly, he walked over to Eclipse and gently nudged her.

"Eclipse." He crooned, licking the side of her face. "C'mon. It's time to get up. It's almost noon."

Eclipse groaned before stretching out along the ground, jaws opening wide in a yawn. She glanced up at her mate before smiling sleepily.

"Good morning." She greeted, nuzzling into his side.

Comet chuckled. "Sounds like someone slept good last night."

Eclipse hummed, leaning into her mate. "How could I not have?"

Comet chuckled and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. "Come on, love. The others want to meet you" He crooned, nuzzling her cheek before trotting back outside with his mate following close behind.

As the two Night Furies patted back out into the sunlight, the light of the sun gleamed on Eclipse's violet scales, making them glow ebony in the early morning light.

The others all gaped in astonishment upon seeing Eclipse.

"Wow! She's beautiful" Leyla, Summer, and Aggro all shouted in perfect sync.

Eclipse blushed and ducked her head, not used to being complimented by her mate's friends.

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