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Chapter 1: A Menace!


Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

“This is fifty thousand. Uncle has already done his best to help you!”


Gu Mang glanced at the bank card that Lei Xiao had thrown onto the coffee table and she looked up with a cold, untameable gaze.


“No need for that. Thanks, Uncle,” she said indifferently as she sat down on the sofa sloppily.

Lei Xiao pursed his lips. His tone became cold. “You don’t need it? So Gu Si doesn’t need it as well?”

Gu Mang played with the toy gun in her hands. “I can take care of my younger brother. You can just take Gu Yin with you.”


Lei Xiao sneered disdainfully, “You’ll take care of him? With what? Do you have money? What, should he follow you, someone who hasn’t even graduated from high school, to work and beg outside?”


What an embarrassment to the family!

Gu Mang gave a wry, enigmatic smile and her eyes curved slightly. Then she said in a brash manner, “Money? I’ve got a little. You can keep this bunch of money for Gu Yin.”


Lei Xiao frowned at his niece, who seemed outstanding in appearance, but carried herself like a bad person. When Gu Mang was born, everyone knew that she would grow up to be a beauty. He doted a lot on his beautiful niece. When she got older, her temper worsened.

Even though she was the oldest child in the family, she wouldn’t cooperate with her younger siblings and whenever people touched her things, she would stare at them with dark eyes.


She was such a thankless wretch to be acting out like that at something so trivial as touching her stuff.


Her sister had a good personality. Thus, even though her siblings disliked Gu Mang, they still tried to be nice.


It was only until Gu Mang beat an adult man till he was half-paralyzed did they start to avoid her like the plague.



She was a scourge!

So ruthless!

A menace!

After spending a month at the youth detention center, her sister brought her back.


After the severe lesson, she was sent to elementary school.


However, after just a few days of class, she was forced to drop out after beating another student till he was sent to the hospital.


She just wouldn’t learn!

What a bad record she had!

Whoever had such a child would be unlucky for eight lifetimes!

Her sister and husband had both died unexpectedly, leaving three children with no guardians.


It was a critical time for his promotion in the political arena.

Gu Si, like Gu Mang, was causing trouble everywhere. Ever since he was young, he had gotten into fights, skipped classes and neglected his responsibilities. Bringing these two back with him would be asking for trouble.

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