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Its crazy to think how Egyptians maintain health during this time you had to actually kill animals not just using a machine or a potato peeler its just crazy the pryaminds they built used to be the highest building in history but after 1000s of years in 1890s france built the Eiffel Tower which was taller then the pyramids it was the only thing was on structures. Then pyramids. Chapter2 genghis khan was know for 17 million acres of land and had the largest army in history he made the mongol empire so strong that the carbon level of people burning went so high. Its just crazy that a man would be so powerful. With a army like that chapter3 russia in the year 1540s was named rus they changed it after 500 years later they had a great army as well and still to this day. Russia was originally owned by Mongolia in the year 1209 china was originally and japan had the samurais back around the year 1003 samurais were ready to kill anyone in their path if anyone messed with them even a single touch you would be dead its crazy these guys were really deadly a katana is still a weapon to this day. Chapter 4 beethoven from the 1800 century' was a masterpiece making music like moonlight sonata and fur elis. He was a man who was the greatest at the time he made many hits on piano but he was also rich aswell including mozart for example he made turkish march which was also a great hit. Chapter 5 there is no value in anything untill its finished as a quote from genghis khan himself it still is remarkable to this day and its cool too see his quotes live on and on. Miamyamto musashi was the worlds best japan swordsmen for years. He even wrote a book called the book of the five rings he was a undefeated swordmen. In history he is still remarkable to this day including his book his belongings are in a museum yet you can see it today aswell shoes werent even a thing back in the late 100 AD or even 100BC humans used to be naked pretty much besides their animal clothing. Everything a human had in the year 400 BC was actually killed and not by a machine Chapter6 the universe is expanding and will always will but when wilm it stop? We will never know albert einstein and neil degrasse tyson himself the universe will always expand even when the universe dies even when all the stars burn out including the sun including galaxys and even light it self will only thing that is immortal is a black hole or antimatter or lightmatter. Eventually the milky way will be smashed together by the andromeda galaxy but thats in 4B years for now so no stress we also seen a sun storm that is likely gonna blow the internet up someday and including the grid and solar panels will die out it will take 12 years just to get the grid back thats crazy isnt it? The sun will eventually kill us all due to a supernova or becoming a black hole aka supermass star black holes are cool but scary but did you know theres white holes? They are rare but they dont suck anything they blow it out instead of sucking it

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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