Filler Part

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Drew lost consciousness but his consciousness seemed to have left his body. It was a disorienting experience, leaving him unsure of his whereabouts. As he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, he noticed that Snowy was carrying his unconscious body on her back. She appeared to be extremely worried about him, and Drew could feel her concern. He tried to reassure her by whispering softly in her ear that he was still there, despite his current state. He didn't want her to worry, but he wasn't sure what was happening to him either.

Drew (Whispering): Snowy. Don't worry about me too much I'm still here.

Snowy (Worried): H... Huh? Wh... Who said that?

Drew: It's me, Drew.

Snowy (Less Worried): D... Drew? W... Where are you and how are you speaking when you're not conscious?

Drew: I'm not entirely certain, but I have a hunch. It's possible that my current state of consciousness is a result of me losing consciousness due to some type of factor. Until that factor is resolved, I may not be able to return to my physical form.

Snowy (Confused): Wait! So if you stop melting would you go back to normal?

Drew: Hmm, it's kind of a mixed answer. When I start to melt down, I usually do my best to stay calm and stick close to someone I really trust. But to be honest, I'm not totally sure what it all means. Have you ever experienced anything like that?

Snowy (Calmer-Confused): Wait. Are you saying you trust me? Because I feel odd after hearing that.

Drew: Yes I do trust you. You are the only one that I could call a friend.

After Drew shared that Snowy's face had turned red and she was crying tears of joy, he became worried but he hadn't realized just how overwhelmed with happiness Snowy was feeling.

Drew (Concerned): S... Snowy? D... Did I say something that upset you?

Snowy: N... No! It's not that I am just really glad that I could be called a friend.

Drew: O...Oh. Y... You're welcome. I um didn't know that was why. (In mind) This is so embarrassing.

Snowy (Sleepy): It's *yawn* fine. (In mind) Carrying Drew's unconscious body is really tiring.

Drew: Snowy my body is turning back to normal, I think after a bit of rest I should be able to reenter my body.  You should get some rest too, you look tired.

Snowy: That's good. Thanks for *yawn* allowing me to be assured that I can rest knowing that you agree that it's a good idea.

Drew: I didn't say that because of that, I said that because I should be able to recover while you rest, you're my friend, and I will be with you till the end, I just don't want to lose my only friend.

Snowy was overwhelmed with emotions, causing her face to turn a deep shade of red. She abruptly halted her running and proceeded to lay down Drew's unconscious body and went to sleep. Without realizing it, Snowy's warm embrace was a gesture of genuine affection and friendship that ultimately accelerated Drew's recovery.

After regaining enough strength, Drew was finally able to return to his physical form. As he embraced Snowy, he couldn't help but feel a warm sensation in his chest, causing his cheeks to flush with a subtle blush. Despite the physical contact being brief, the moment lingered in his mind, leaving him with a newfound appreciation for his companion.

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