Random Analysis 1 - PARALLELISM

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Topic: KiyoKei Parallels - SIMILARITIES and DIFFERENCES between KIYOTAKA and KEI



•Both carry and hide a deep darkness

•Both became robotic to endure their harsh environment

•Both the letter of their first name starts with K, Kiyotaka and Kei, and both the first letter of the last name of the opposite sex they initially used starts with H, Horikita and Hirata

•Both are manipulative mostly for self-preservation (e.g. both used friends as a camouflage, both were unable to form genuine relationship with other people)

•Both can read other people well

•Both are struggling for self-preservation but both never asked for love

•Both their secret pasts are slowly getting revealed to other people

•Both were attacked with a sharp blade and had deep wounds

•Both experienced the selfishness of school authority (an acting director tried to expel Kiyotaka; in Kei's previous school, the school authority ignored her bullying and hid it as well)

•Both have the tendency to search online for relationship-related things like when Kei contemplated on searching how double date could be the great for 1st date when she was acting as Maya Satou and Kiyotaka's cupid.

•In Y1V7.5, both got covered with snow for staying still in their place (Kiyotaka talking to Ryuen; Kei hiding behind the bushes)




•Kiyotaka used Horikita to hide himself from the spotlight so that he can have a peaceful high school life - Kei used Hirata to put herself into the spotlight so that she can have a peaceful high school life

•And of course Kiyotaka used someone who doesn't get along with everyone (Horikita) - Kei used someone who gets along with everyone (Hirata)

---[At one point, Horikita and Hirata switched places when Hirata was the one who was not getting along with everyone and Horikita became the class leader]

•Obviously also, Kiyotaka has remarkable intelligence and physical skills - Kei is initially below average and have poor physical skills

•Kiyotaka suffered abuse since birth - Kei suffered abuse in early adolescence

•Kiyotaka was victimized by adults - Kei was victimized mostly by kids her age

•Kiyotaka's suffering was mostly not social in nature (it was confined within the walls of the White Room which does not follow normal social rules, structure & dynamics, where the other kids who are with Kiyotaka are experiencing the same suffering as him & all of them are focused on their personal pain & growth) - Kei's suffering revolve around social humiliation, ostracization or being outcasted (where she's alone when it feels like the whole world is against her), and being everyone's scapegoat so as to not make themselves the target, these heavily involves social norms, structure, dynamics, unwritten rules, etc.

•Kiyotaka does not easily forgive - Kei does not plant grudges

•Kiyotaka likes to read - Kei doesn't like reading

•Kiyotaka allows girls to go in and out of his room - Kei doesn't let guys go inside her room

•Kiyotaka's wound on his hand was caused by a person's attempt to do self-harm - Kei's scar on her abdomen was caused purely by a person's intent to harm another person


Feel free to comment if you have something you'd like to add to the lists.

Note: This might be revised in the future.

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