Chapter 9: Old foes

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Author's note: Who's ready for more fight scenes! Oh, and also angst, can't forget the angst.


People were running and screaming. Church bells were ringing. The smg4 crew watched the chaos unfold.

Meggy got out her splattershot. "C'mon guys, it looks like our friends need our help."

Bob traded his sword hands for guns. "HeLl YeAh! LeT's Do ThIs!"

Sakio got out her hammer, Shroomy a rocket launcher, and Melony her helix sword.

The fight was on.


Hal, who had managed to climb out of the pit from yesterday was fighting off a few Mario bots. "Don't you know this very illegal?"

A bot tried to attack him from behind only to be shot by Meggy.

Chris and Swag were fighting off corrupted Nintendo ninjas. Swag was in his tank firing at them. "It's boom boom McDoom time bitches!"

Sakio was currently fighting off the ex-anime cartel. Although they were weak, their numbers were a lot. Suddenly Kazio appeared and started to slash at the creepy weebs. The two stood back-to-back before facing each smirking. Looks like it's time for the K-S2 to kick some ass.

Boopkins spotted his younger brother in the fray. "Jub-Jub!" He ran over to him. "What are you doing out here? It's too dangerous."

A shadow loomed over the two and Boopkins looked up to see a corrupted Admiraal S. Swipe. "Well, well, well." Voice was distorted. "It looks like I have two new things to add to my collection."

But before the two boys could panic, Karen appeared with her shot gun and shot Admiraal S. Swipe in the face. She turned to the boys. "You kids, okay?" Her motherly side showing.

Boopkins nodded, before his eyes bulged out. He pointed behind Karen. "Look out!"

Karen dodged just in time. The shadow Admiral had come back wielding a rocket launcher.

"Mama Mia! It's like everything from our past is trying get us." Luigi cried out.

"Hey, hey, hey." A voice behind the Mario bros said. The two turned around to see a Mario re-color in all black looking back at them. The man took out a toilet. "Remember me?"

"Fuck!" Was the only thing Mario could say.

Smg3 was using a baseball bat he found to destroy a Mario bot. "Why are there so many of these damn things!"

L and Minion stood back watching everyone fighting. "Aww man..." Minion looked down. "I wish I had super cool powers, or an awesome weapon, then I could help out." She pouted, crossing her arms.

"Here!" Shroomy, popped up out of nowhere and handed her a gun. "Use this." And ran back into the fight.

Minion looked at Slg4. "Uh, how do I use this thing?" She awkwardly chuckled.

L sighed and face palmed with Birdy doing the same thing.

Rob and Bob had combined together and were currently attacking a flying spaghetti monster.

"LeT'S KiCk HiS No0dLe AsS!" Bob's eyes were red.

"The power of corn compels you!" Rob shouted.

The two started to spin, releasing corn at rapid fire into the monster.

Sonic was zooming around defeating random shadow goons. He smashed into a whole bunch of them like bowling pins. Strike!

"Whoo!" Swag popped out of his tank. "That's my husband! No homo!" Sonic let got an irritated growl.

Four toads in red, orange, blue and purple power ranger outfits stood before Dr. Pootis.

"We won't let those fuckers take this land!" The red one said.

The four toads summoned their giant robot and started to fight the evil doctor. 

Mario wiped his hands from dust after defeating the toilet man.

A funky car noise was heard behind the plumber, the gang all turned to see that Smg1 and Smg2 arrived.

"Guys!" Two said, almost yelling due to the chaos. "We need to get to that beacon!"

"But how?" L asked. "There's so many things blocking our way!"

One smirked. "Leave that to us." He turned to face the plumber. "Mario?"

Mario nodded and the elder meme guardians began to pour power into him. Mario transformed into giant head Mario.

"Get ready to die!" Mario's eyes glowed red.

"Hop on!" Two said.

"Wait!" Tari spoke out. "What about the civilians?"

"Don't worry young lady." Hal computer voice buzzed in. "We can take care of this." Swag gave a thumbs up, Kazio nodded and twirling around his scythe, and Rob pulled out a bunch of more corn.

The gang seemed to be put at ease with that.

And so, Smg1, Smg2, Smg3, Slg4, Luigi, Sakio, Tari, Meggy, Cube, Minion, Bob, Boopkins, Melony, and Shroomy all hopped onto Mario's head and zoomed off.

Mario ate any spaghetti monster that made its way to the gang. With Shroomy, Meggy, and Melony taking out any monsters that tried to attack from behind. 

The plumber soared through the air, letting out airplane sounds, and doing all sort of tricks.

"Mario!" Three yelled. "Focus! We need to get to that beacon!"

A loud roar was heard, and a shadow overcast the gang.

Everyone looked up to see what had caused the sudden darkness.

Above them was a wolf like demon with blood red eyes. It was triple the size of Mario's floating head.

"Pepsi!?!" Luigi said in horror.

"Who!?" Meggy asked, also in panic that Luigi seems to know this thing.

The demon attacked Mario without warning. Anti-Shroomy appeared taking out another gun to shoot Pepsi with. The demon left, to injured to fight.

Mario was taking shallow breaths. "Mario don't feel so good." The plumber turned back into regular Mario, while still in the air.


The gang all started to fall to their doom, screaming as they did so.

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