Dex has a crisis

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A/N: Btw I will definitely be inputing one or two of my own personal headcanons so to this fanfiction

The minute his kiss with Sophie wasn't what he wanted, everything clicked for him.

So while she went on about how it was okay if he didn't really like her and they weren't right for each other anyway, he sat there with the brand new realization and died inside.

When he left Havenfield that day he felt like his heart had shriveled up and died. Not because Sophia Foster had broken it, but because he knew he was done for. He didn't like girls, and his world was over. He wants to say that he had never considered boys before, but he knew that would be a lie, he was not immune to the charms of Fitz Vacker and that there was a tragedy in and of itself.

The way he thought about his lips and his jawline and his collarbones and his eyes should have been an indicator that he likes boys, but it was never even a conscious thought for him. But when Sophie Foster's lips touched his, he knew what was wrong, and that was definitely it.

And out from the very depths of his chest came a curling, twisted fear. A deep seated dread that had been a part of him for his entire life.

He would never be loved. He would be alone for the rest of his life. Never would there be an elf who could love him the way he loved them. Not one with everything he yearned for. He would live his life watching from afar and it would be absolute torture. He was a technopath, he knew statistics, and he knew that the chances of him ever finding his person were the lowest he'd ever seen.

So when he returned home that night, he barely registered the concerned looks his parents threw his way. He just lays down on his bed and falls asleep on top of the covers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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