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3rd POV

(Y/n) couldn't stop now. She had to reach Cherry in time. She had to make sure he was okay. She was almost at the spot where Adam struck the AI skater in the face. There were just so many things going on in her head. Her mind was racing almost as fast as how she was skating.


At that moment, (Y/n) saw the two skaters, one standing and one laying on the ground, in the distance. She felt her heart skip a beat as she gained more speed. Once she was at a good distance, she stops her skateboard and runs in their direction after picking up her board.

Cherry didn't look too good. His mask was ripped and he practically looked as if he could pass out at any moment.

"Cherry!" the child yells in his direction, which catches both the AI skater and Matador of Love's attention. Cherry slowly and shakily turned his head in the direction of the Phoenix skater with a look of worry as she kneels down beside him. "Cherry, are you okay?"

Cherry's breath hitched as he took in a deep breath before exhaling an answer as best as he can. "I-I'm fine, (Y/n)," he mumbles lowly to the (h/c)-haired girl. (Y/n) placed her un-gloved hand on Cherry's masked cheek as she felt tears threatening to well up in her eyes. "Y-you're gonna be okay. Y-you just gotta be," the child says, almost as if she was pleading for a miracle to occur and help the pink-haired male.

But before Cherry could say anything else in response, Adam interrupts the conversation as he takes a step forward. "Look who decided to join us." Upon hearing his voice, (Y/n) looked up at the blue-haired pro skater with a look of fear in her tearful eyes. Adam was just standing there with a very creepy smile on his face, his body almost as if was looming over her smaller frame as she felt intimidated by the person. "Hello, there, my little birdie~"

(Y/n) didn't respond back to him. She just remained quiet as she looked up at Adam with her mouth slightly agape at the sight of him. Cherry let out a groan as he looked back at Adam with hate in his eyes. "Leave her out of this, Adam... Don't involve her in this."

Adam chuckled as he looks back at Cherry, his smile never leaving his face. "Oh, I won't get her involved in this..." he said as he then put his attention back to the nine-year-old girl, his voice getting deeper as he spoke the next thing on his mind. "...Not yet, at least."

Cherry didn't like what he heard. He sent one more glare towards the Matador of Love before he closes his eyes and he passes out.

(Y/n) hardly understood what Adam just said, but didn't bother to ask what exactly he said. It's not like she wants to find out anyway.

But right at that moment, the girl heard the sound of running footsteps and heavy panting getting louder. She breaks eye contact with Adam and looks back in the direction she came from and sees Joe running in their direction.

"Kaoru!" he yells as he knelt down beside his childhood friend with (Y/n) moving over a bit so that he could have room to check how Cherry was. "C'mon, get up," Joe tries encouraging the AI skater to get up, but the said male was already passed out on the ground. The green-haired male wanted to say something else, but Adam interrupted him before he got the chance to.

"You know, I really thought this would be more fun. But that little race against Cherry turned out to be a bomb," he tells Joe as the said male and (Y/n) look up at Adam, one looking pissed and the other looking more fearful than before as more tears welled up in her eyes.

Joe sends a glare to his rival as he speaks with venom in his tone of voice. "Seriously? Son of a bitch."

Suddenly, the sound of a car engine rolling up into the scene could be heard behind Joe and (Y/n). They both turn around and see a familiar-looking pink car with a familiar-looking clown-faced skater in the driver's seat of the vehicle. Shadow lowers his window and pokes his head out so that he could speak to them. "Get in! We gotta jet to the hospital! Wrap it up!"

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