04 // The Giant

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March 25th, 2675

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March 25th, 2675

The Halcyon
The Phenomenon, Unknown Space

Rowan quickly scrutinized the papers in her hands, trying to decipher which ones were worth keeping and which ones were not. It was hard for her to make rapid decisions trying to clean up the mess since each sheet of paper held a distinct memory and importance to her. This was definitely harder than she thought it would be. But decisions had to be made in order to clean up the mess. Whatever was happening on the main deck, Rowan knew that it wasn't good. She needed to be ready for whatever next step Desree would have them do after they get through this "Code Alpha" situation.

If we get through it.

"Now you see why I go digital?" Trent's voice said, snapping Rowan from her thoughts.

She turned to the doctor who was kneeling beside her, picking up the scattered papers from the fallen file cabinet.

Rowan looked away from his green eyes. "Technology can fail you, Doc," she replied, folding a few papers on the corn growth plans into her satchel. She couldn't part with those.

Trent shuffled a few sheets of paper in a pile before handing them to her. "Ro, paper can be lost, too."

They worked side-by-side like the same being, gathering and fitting things together like a puzzle.

"So can data," Rowan retorted finally, raising a brow.

"Anything can be lost," a deep voice rumbled behind them. Riggs. Rowan forgot he was there half the time. Why was he always lurking around the corner?

"That's true, Riggs," Trent replied, standing up as Rowan gathered the final stack of papers. "Anything, anyone... We can all find ourselves lost at some point. It's truly whether we can find redemption or not."

Rowan smiled softly at Trent's statement. Trent often spouted his chaplain's wisdom at random points. Sometimes, it was annoying, but at times like this, when they could actually be lost in space, Rowan appreciated it. If Trent was calm, she could be, too.

With a swish, the door to the upper level slid open revealing Beck as he rushed into the lab. He brushed past the trio to throw open a wall panel, crouching as he scrambled to rewire a few things.

"What's going on?" Trent asked, immediately squatting at Beck's side. "What can I do?"

"Space," Beck muttered, swatting Trent away. "You could give me some space, Doc."

"What's the status of the other Scavengers, Beck?" Rowan asked after a moment's pause. Shivers ran down her spine at the thought of how Code Alpha could affect the whole fleet. Who were the ones lost? What sparked the protocol to take place?

Beck continued to rewire whatever it is he was doing. "Not good," was all he said. For once, Beck wasn't running his mouth so Rowan knew things were not going according to plan. Beck glanced up at Rowan, uncertainty flashing across his brown eyes. "Lost contact with them. I'm redirecting power from the reserves so we can pilot through this vortex-thingy."

Expedition Nu: The Wilds and Wastes | Book 1 of the Expedition Nu seriesWhere stories live. Discover now