The Big Shot that changed life

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Mal's P.O.V

I was walking back to my room that I shared with Evie tiredly after a long cornation ceremony. Mal wait up I suddenly reconised the voice and groaned. Chad had been trying to get my attention all night long. I then turn around in a huff.What?I ask crossing my arms. You need to come with us Chad says holding out his hand for me to to take. Why I ask raising an eyebrow. Just come please Chloe pleads. Fine this better be quick I say grabbing Chad's hand and we ran down the hall. We stopped at the council room. We then enterd and who I saw made my eyes go wide. Cinderella and Prince Charming were sitting there. Ah Mal please have a seat she says smiling warmly. I sit down nervously.

Have you heard of the story called the long lost charming she asks suddenly becoming serious. Yes I have but what does that have to do with anything I ask chuckling a little. Well 16 years ago Malificant got loose and at that time my daughter Calliope went missing we never found her She says quietly. The napper took Calliope but not Chad. Since your 16 and look nothing like your Mom we want to take a DNA test on you She says quietly. I guess I say shrugging. Good I have it right here she says then I feel a hair being plucked out of my head along with Chad's Chloe's,Cameryn's,Cinderella's and charming's. Ow what was that for I ask rubbing my head. For the test she says then hands it to FG.

I walk in the door from talking with the Charming's. I sat on my bed next to Evie making her look up. I then collapse next to her making her scoot over next to me and put her head on my chest. I wrap my arms tightly around her waist. Yes me and Evie are dating. I told Ben today my feelings and surprisingly he completely understood. I deafenitly didn't get the reaction I was expecting.I had to take a DNA test because Chad's parents thinks that im the long lost Charming Princess I say like it was nothing. Seriously she says smiling. Yeah I hope it comes back negative I say nervously. Why she asks curiously. I know that if i'm the lost princess that's gonna mean I will have more responsibilites and won't have time for you I say grabbing the binder that's on her nighstand and throw it across the room. Evie manages to calm me down and we watch a movie until we fell asleep.


I was walking quickly to the coucil room with Cameryn. The results were in and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. Mal come here she says chirpily. She hands me the paper. I take it when I drop it down on the table. I won't do this without my best friend Evie I yell closing my eyes tightly. I will go grab her Chloe says but stops what class is she in she asks. ENCHANTED FORESTRY JUST GET HER NOW I yell. ok ok she says and runs out.

Evie's P.O.V

I was sitting in Enchated Forestry wondering where the hell Mal is. Can I borrow Evie for royal duties I hear Chloe ask. The teacher nods making me shot up and run over to her. She starts to lead me down the hall. What's going on I ask quickly. It's Mal she's freaking out over the DNA tests Chloe says and opens the door for me. I take one look quietly walking over and grab her hand. As soon as I grab her hand she squeezes it back tightly. Can you stay she asked frozen. I stepped in front of her and put my other hand on her shoulder.I hugged her gently making her lean into me. When we pulled apart she was calmer. She grabbed the paper then she opened it. The look on her face told me everything I needed to know.

Mal's P.O.V

I opened the paper. I was shocked. I can't belive it.It's...

Sorry for the cliffhanger!

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