Forgettable ~ Audrey (Massive TW!!)

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* Dear Unforgiving World, *

Audrey writes, sitting on her bed.

*Today marks the worst day of my life. I thought it was only fitting that it should be my last.*

She walks over to her closet, changing out of her pink dress and into a white one.

*I will take my final breath dressed in white, symbolizing the bride I will never be. How could Ben ask her to marry him? I was raised to be his. Born to sit pretty at the seat of the throne; Born to wear the crown. Born to bear his children.*

She walks over to her vanity, sitting down at it. She applies waterproof mascara and touches up her complexion.

*She will do that now. Bear his children, wear the crown.*

She cries. And she cries. The tears fall onto her silk sheets and her dress. She sniffles. The tears pang throughout her chest painfully.

*Perhaps I was unkind. But this was only because I was raised to protect Ben as his queen. How could I have been so idiotic to let a villain {A villain, of all things.} take him. I remember the day he confessed his love to her. He sang to her in the bleachers, moving the whole school to join him. He had that power, to make anyone charmed. When he called out her name, spelled it to the sky, my heart felt like stone. Something inside of it burst, but I thought it could be fixed. If he would only take me back. Realize his mistake. An error. I would forgive him, of course, because a man is allowed to make errors.*

Audrey sweeps the curtains closed.

*I cried and I cried that night. I cried in Chad's arms. {Funny, isn't it. The one boy who ever treated me with nothing but love and respect, and I treated him so cruelly. I'm sorry, Chad. All will be forgiven soon enough.} I cried until I had a headache. It was pounding, like my skull was caught in between a closing drawbridge. The headache never ended. The spell never lifted.*

She walks to her entryway, locking the door.

*Now this is not something I have taken lightly. I do not intend to live past this night. How smart of me, to do this now. Not only will their engagement anniversary now forever be my death date, but it will also mean I do not have to suffer through their wedding.*

She walks to her bed, sitting on the edge. She writes with a sequined quill.

*I am truly sorry to all those I hurt, let down, or treated poorly. Please know that was not who I wanted to be. When I was young, I wanted to be kind. I wanted to rule with a passionate, but careful heart. I was promised the kingdom by assumption. Three years ago, I would've told you that I wanted to rule with respectful and tasteful correction. Now, I can tell you the girl I want to be is not an option anymore. So, I take the next best thing. I resign. From this position of hurt and heartbreak. From this worthless, emptiness of an ugly, ugly girl. From this life.*

*I'm sorry to those who'll miss me, though I doubt there are many. You will sit and cry and wipe your eyes formally. You will hug my dear family and bake for them. You will play a montage of photos of me, cropped to be by myself. {Most of my childhood photos, I was linking arms with the soon-to-be King Ben.} You will give these students time off school to "mourn". Mourn the loss of someone everyone wanted gone. By all means, celebrate.*

*Goodbye, bitterness. I welcome the eternal nothing.*

Audrey walks to the bathroom, running the tub full of cold water. She tosses rose petals on top of the water and watches as they sink. She pulls the sharpest kitchen knife from her purse, setting the purse on the counter. She submerges herself in the water, letting the chill run up and down her spine. She cleans the knife with the dry fabric on her chest.

She pulls the knife back and lets it glide along her arm vertically. She does not feel it yet. She pulls the knife back again, when she hears something. A knock. She ignores this. By the time anyone finds her, she will be floating along an empty black river, staring at nothing but an empty black sky for the rest of time.

"Audrey, open the door!" It's Ben. Ben's voice. Audrey pauses the draw of the knife. Perhaps he has come to tell her he made a mistake. He realizes that now. But now, so has she. So it's pointless anyway. A queen cannot be a failure. Audrey draws the knife into her other arm. She lines the knife on the bathtub rim neatly and dunks the two slits underwater. Now she feels it. But she does not scream. It upsets her that it will ruin her dress. The cold water seems to draw more blood out, and Audrey lets herself fall into the pain as she closes her eyes. She hears splintering. And then someone. And then nothing.

Audrey wakes up in a hospital bed. Audrey opens her eyes. It smells like bleach. She tries to speak.

"Audrey, you're awake!" It's Ben. Again. Audrey feels herself floating above this situation, watching it unravel. 

"No," She tries to scream, but it comes out quiet.

"I was so worried, you almost died! I'm so glad you're okay." Audrey scans the room. She's alive. The steady line on the monitor's rise and fall reassures her of that. But she is not reassured. Audrey cries. She pulls her knees to her chest, and her arms to her head. She notices her arms are heavily bandaged.

"I wanted." Audrey says, pushing Ben back when he tries to get near. "To die." Ben's face falls and his eyes well up with tears.

"Your grandmother is on her way back. She went to get breakfast." Ben says, flatly. He has lost his exclamation. It seems as though the circumstances of Audrey's (almost) death contributed to his excitement about the lack of it. "Technically, you did die. You were dead for five minutes."

"Why." Audrey feels her throat claw at her head. "Didn't you. Let me die?" Suddenly, the girl is crying again. Audrey does not feel the tears come out, or feel them run down her cheek. Though she can taste the salt when they fall in her mouth.

"Audrey! Sweetheart. Goodness, I was. so. scared." Grammy is here. She runs over to Audrey, hugs her.

"No." Audrey finds a little bit of her voice left in her throat. "It wasn't supposed to happen this way. I was supposed to write my letter, cut myself open, and die. I couldn't even fucking do that." Audrey feels anger in her mouth and pulls it to her hands, letting them hit against her head like rain. Ben tries to stop her. NO. Grammy tries to stop her. DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME. Suddenly, there are people running in the room. They put something inside of Audrey and the rain of her hands turns to the rain of her breath and she is asleep again. Audrey hopes to not wake up.

Audrey wakes up. She is in the hospital bed still. The ceiling is white. The floor is white. Now there are more people in the room. People she does not want to see. So she pretends to sleep. They pass by her and look over her body. She pretends this is her funeral. Audrey cries when she realizes she'll have to be alive after the people go. They leave ugly flowers and ugly cards and ugly teddy bears. Everything is ugly when you feel ugly inside.

A doctor comes into the room. The doctor is short and stout, with brown skin and matching brown hair. Her eyes are a stunning green and she has a sea of freckles overflowing from the bridge of her nose. A nurse follows, bringing Audrey a plate of unappealing food.

"Audrey. We have some things that we need to do, moving forward." Audrey is silent. "You are still badly hurt, so we'll have to keep you here for a couple more days. Then you'll be moved to our mental health section."

"Will I ever be allowed into the real world?" She asks, finding the words she didn't know she had.

"Most likely, yes, once we are sure you are not a danger to yourself or others."

"What if I'm better off dead?" She regrets saying this, since this doctor seems to be the person you have to convince if you want out.

"I can assure you, Audrey. You are never too far gone. Never too lost or alone." She leaves Audrey with that. Audrey sleeps for two days. She will have to get better in the morning. She will have to try. She has no other choice now.

(might make a part two later on...sorry that was so depressing)

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