Chapter 1: the boy who lived

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Disclaimer:I do not own Harry Potter or if I would then it would be ummm...

... Whatever

AN:ok so hello guys this is my first story so pls don't kill me for my bad grammar. Nothing more to say for now. Enjoy! Also if you don't want or care to read moldyshorts killing Harry's family you can skip this chapter.

Third person pov:

In this world on a galaxy in a solar system in a planet in a country in a small town in a house James and Lily Potter were talking how fast learner Harry was.

"I can't believe he already said his first words and he's only year old. " Lily said happily.
"Yeah I'm proud of our little marauder. " James answered. But suddenly their front door was blown open.

"Lils he's here go get Harry and I will try to hold him back." James said frantically. "Ah Potter if you would join me I might even save your mudblood wife." Voldemort said "I will never join you Mr. No nose". James answered calmly. "It's a shame to shed pure blood but guess I have no choice." Voldemort said calmly.

Quickly after that James fired cruciatus curse to Voldemort who barely dodged."I would have never guessed that James Potter is using unforgivables in battle." Voldemort said amusedly. Sadly James couldn't dodge the killing curse that came almost instantly towards him and killing him.

Voldemort walked past the body to upstairs and saw a locked door what he opened by just simply saying: "alohomora" The door opened and a chair what was blocking the door from inside broke and he said: "Give me the baby and I will let you live"
"No take me don't kill Harry."
"Move stupid woman this is your last chance"
"No please I'm begging you." Lily said with tears in her eyes. "Avada kedavra" Voldemort said coldly and shortly after Lily's dead body also fell on the ground just like James's

Then Voldemort walked past Lily to little Harry's cot and Harry started staring at Voldemort. Voldemort saw the intelligence in his eyes and for the first time he hesitaded to kill Harry but he knew that Harry must die so he will become immortal and with those thoughts he said the fatal words: "avada kedavra" But then something unexpected happened: The curse bounced off from Harry back to Voldemort who was just shocked from what happened and before he even knew his soul, or what was remaining of it just left his body.

Just few minutes later Sirius arrived with his flying motorbike to Godric's hollow and just repeatively saying to himself: "Please be alive. " When entering the ruined house first thing he saw was his best friend's dead body. This was a huge shock for Sirius but he was determined to find Harry. When he finally did find Harry crying upstairs Hagrid also arrived at the house. "Sirius Dumbledore told me to get Harry to safety from here" Hagrid said sadly. "Yeah I understand you can use my motorbike. Tke him and I will make pettigrew pay for what he did." Sirius growled.
Minnie's pov:

"I have been watching these muggles all day and I don't think Harry should live with them because what I heard Lily's sister hates everything related to magic in any way and hopefully Albus realizes it too before it's too late." She thought.

~~~~Timeskip 30 minutes~~~~
Third person pov:

Hagrid arrived to privet drive and shortly after Dumbledore did too. "So Hagrid can I see him?" Dumbledore asked. Hagrid nodded and wiped his tears. "Albus are you sure that this is a good place for Harry?" Minerva asked uncertainty.
"Yes and I think it will be better for Harry to grow without that fame getting into his head." Dumbledore said calmly.
This took me way too long for some reason (probably because it's 4am while writing this and I forgot what happened in this scene😅)

-FrenchBread out

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