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"Wait!!!" I shout to Thalia as she rides away. I've blown it. She says nothing, just keeps riding and riding. I jump onto my horse and run after her. Ordering my horse to go faster. I finally catch up with her.
"You didn't stop. Why?" I ask. Again she says nothing. She only shrugs.
"What's wrong?' I ask. But I feel as if I'm talking to a brick wall. Oh gods! What have I done?
"*sigh* I just can't believe he's going round telling anyone that comes to camp that I love him." She eventually says.
"Sam's telling everyone?" I say confused.
"Yeah. He is the one that told you. Right? I mean who else would?"
"Oh, um, yeah right Sam told me. That it!" I lie. Damn it! How could I lie to her. Now I'm going to feel even more sad and guilty. We are back at camp now, in the stables putting our horses away. When suddenly she says.
"Excuse me. I have to go talk to my idiot ex. See you at dinner." She waves goodbye. So naturally I wave goodbye back. Without even thinking about trying to stop her. I suddenly run straight after her. Shouting.
"Wait! Thals!!!" Thals is kind of her nickname. Its short for her full name, Thalia.
"What?" She says angrily. I'm scared to talk to her in this mood. But I will.
"Um... Can't it wait? I mean... I was hoping to go to the sand point with you." I say. With a brave smile on my face.
"Not really. Plus we went yesterday. This is more important." She rejects me.
"But... I... I just really want to go. And it wouldn't be the same without you." I beg.
"Fine." She sighs. "But not for long. Okay?"
"Great come on!" Yes!!! Now I can destact her and hopefully make her forget.

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