Part 1: The Night Trek

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At 5:00 Pm in the hills a sudden thunder storm and a heavy rain poured and at that moment 'A group of Girls of early twenties, you don't know

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At 5:00 Pm in the hills a sudden thunder storm and a heavy rain poured and at that moment 'A group of Girls of early twenties, you don't know..., they were packing for the sudden unplanned trek. Hisashi was still at the university when Charlie rang her up to join the trek. CHARLIE; Hisashi..we are getting ready to go for another trek are you joining us.? umm Charlie i think i can't make it this time i got some task to do, but its rainning bad how are we suppose to go replied the other. Oh well i think you can still do it after we come back right, the rain might stop after sometime and also Sayuri and Aiiken summons you to be present by any means, said Charlie. 'I wish to join too but i can't risk my health again, i might freeze in this weather you kno that right, said Hisashi. Oh yeah, i'll let em know and explain them so yeah health comes first and you better come home soon i'm busy packing things, i gotta hang up. Alright, said Hisashi as the line disconnects.
When Hisashi reached home she found Charlie and Aiiken packing still and getting ready in full swing, she gives out her hand to help. Seeing them with enthusiasm, Hisashi in the last minute decided to join but as they cheers on that, the heavy rain poured and as they watch the continious rainfall their jolly mood turned in disappointment they stood still leaning on the walls. Seeing that Hisashi suddenly rose up in full energy saying 'we'll go, the rain might stop after sometime it rained enough for today. Saying that they give signs on agreement, Charlie and Hisashi filled their bags with all kinds of things while Aiiken look them in disbelief saying,' oh Sister we aren't going for hunting, Charlie took her sharp knife, with her bag full of lunch boxes and side dishes that would make up a whole canteen store. While Hisashi filled her bag with full beddings and torch lights and the heavy golden flux around her neck, the favourite flux gifted by her dearly Daddy that she never leaves it behind. And Aiiken just full pockets of chocolates. As they move out the rain stoped and there down the road they met Sayuri and Yuixi and with full stretch of cheeks wide smiles they give high fives with pride for making it happen and there Sayuri didn't carry no beddings but a bag full of groceries, wearing shorts and a single black top in that chilly weather and a finest white shoe in muddy rain, while the other three stood there wearing the warmest clothes and scanning her in disbelief, asking her if she's cold but Sayuri in jolly mood dismiss there concern saying 'Girls,..i'm just tricking the weather and i'm completely fine i don't get cold, my body just warm up itself you know, but i hope it don't get too cold at the valley.' Saying that the other members humm and laugh.

And there they go 'with all short boycut hairs accept yuixi the defination of a girl with decency with flawless hair who is also a family to Sayuri, other than that the remaining they have their particular gender that we don't know, talking as rough as they were at some open market, walking like some thugs and yes their minds' out of control, and their heads' definetly something was wrong, but i bet their hearts were as open as the space. 'Hisashi who looks happy at all times, looks like a nerd with that glasses on but you never know what she got behind that jolly appearance. 'Sayuri who is always ready to hang out and energetic who never runs out of words they call her the mood booster. Charlie who is smart and looks strong but runs a mile when she sees a caterpillar, they call her speaker because she can shout as loud as she can. And there Aiiken the toughest and side eye killer who speaks through her eyes with deep stares but the cutest and also who's scared of everything that crawls.~~

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