First Chapter: Far Away (I)

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Eastern Germany Expedition Team, including Artem, faces a blizzard-related challenge in Germany's Supernova Expedition.

Aleksandr was regarded simply that "the brightest youngster within the past of the expedition team" when he initially entered the Old Relic Expedition squad.

Professional athlete with top medical institute degrees, excels in archaeology and geology, and leads national rock-climbing championships as head of association.

Praise hides a stubborn individual obsessed with ancient relics of the Old World, joining the expedition team and becoming overly devoted to the research institute.

"What? I even neglected to eat!"

Indeed, Alexander. You even neglected to get any rest.

That will not do. I'm going to eat something and then resume my investigation.

Canned food in drawer increased lab stay, enhancing food preparation.

Many young girls initially focused their attention on him, if only for a little moment. But it soon became apparent to everybody that him, the humanoid entity, was unable to form emotional bonds with others. What a shame.

"For now," he says, "I want to adventure."

The Eastern Germany Museum's Ancient Relic Expedition Team, consisting of adventurers, seeks Old World relics in Eastern Germany, studying them with archeologists and historians in harsh blizzard environments. Their work requires wisdom and courage, making them true explorers.

It shouldn't be shocking that the explorers could pass away at any time.

No different in this instance.

Andrei struggled to reach the cliff face, dragging his lower half, hoping for an easier breath before his inevitable death. His vision was blurry, uncertain if due to blizzard or injury.

Team member found safety, joined other team members, relieved by their quick recovery.

He was worn out, and his vision started to blur. He wouldn't wake up if he dozed out in the middle of this blizzard, for sure. Dmitry wasn't sure how he would pass away because of the intense abdominal hemorrhage that had frozen solid. He didn't really care at this time.


I was barely 3 years old before he ascended down the drain on the rooftop, greatly to his parents' consternation... What was going on? Was his entire existence rushing before his eyes? How many memories can someone make in a lifetime?

Andrei had slept off beneath the cliff.

Life flickered flame in blizzard, nearing death.

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