chapter 2

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My clothing is filthy and ripped, I must smell ever so fowl from over a year without bathing, and I'm sickly skinny . Now I understand. Why wouldn't they look.

I'm feeling a feeling that I only have a bit of memory left of, I believe it's , embarrassment.

But I have to keep moving on. I can't stop. I feel my conscious slowly slipping away.

"Where did you come from?" A lady holding a little girls hand said.

"My community, I am the reciever."

Everyone started looking at one another and began silently chatting amongst themselves.

They all looked at me.

The lady put her hand out to mine.

"Come with me."

I took her hand and we got into this strange machine that she called "car".and she operated it until we pulled up to what seems to be a a big building with a Red Cross in the front with the two letters,"ER".

We walked in.

A group of women immediately took gabe from me and laid me down on a thin bed with wheels and pushed me into a room.

The woman in the white dress told me everything is gonna be ok. Then she stuck the needle in me and everything went black.

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